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Install NowClass X Exam Results 2011 – To be Announced on 31st May 2011. The result will be announced at 10:00 a.m in the morning. Students of Chennai regional can get the result from http://cbseresults.nic.in. The result for other regions will be announced within next 2-3 days.
Chennai Region covers the following states :
Tamil Nadu,Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Goa, Puducherry, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Daman and Diu
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Which States Does Chennai Region Covers? May I Know?
Chennai Region covers the following states :
Tamil Nadu,Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Goa, Puducherry, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Daman and Diu
Thanks a lot…………
Thanks.Thanks a lot
when will the result of class 10 gujrat region announced
thanks a lot……………..
when will be the results of delhi region declared
kolkata falls under which region? What is the exact date for result declaration for Class X CCE
And what about rourkela ?? To which “REGION” will this belong ??? ๐ Bhuveneshwar ??? ๐
may i know the region in which m.p. locates for class 10th results?reply me.
When will be the results of the Gulf region announced?
when will the result of class 10 allahabad region announced????
Allahabad region date of announcement of CBSE result is???????????
Which States Does Bhubaneswar ย Region Covers
? May I Know?
Thanks a lot………………..
can i knw wat iz the bench mark for science group under reservation????
when the result of dehradun region
what is upgraded grade?Is A1** is same as A1?
tnkx ๐
when will be the result of delhi region declared??????????
it is too much :(((((((((((((
Sir can you please tell me that when Ajmer region results will be declared…….
hey…when the result of uttar pradesh region will b announced…plz do reply cuz we all are eagerly waiting n fed up of it also.
result of class10 2011
@admin sir may i know which states come under allahabad region
what is upgraded grade
when will results of class 10 allahabad region be announce????
when will results of class 10 allahabad region be announce????
when will result of class 10 panchkula(haryana) will be announced?
hey friends the 10 class result will be declared today(1 june) at 4:00 pm
which states does bhubaneshwar region covers
wen my result will be declared….i get worried…please declare soon
when will be the result of Fatehabad (Haryana)?
n wat about chandigarh???
when will be the result of chandigarh announce ???
hey guys , which region covers West Bengal?n please tell me fast.
cud u plz tel me wich states do d bhubaneswat region cover..?
n wen r d results fr kolkata region..??
plz reply..we r gettin very worried..:(