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Install NowCBSE CCE Result 2011
CBSE CCE Result 2011 for class 10 will be declared in 31 May 2011 for chennai region. The result for other regions will follow in 2-3 days. The result will be available at http://cbseresults.nic.in
Important: kindly note that schools would not communicate the marks of summative assessment – II to the candidates of class x under any circumstances.
As per the scheme laid down and communicated earlier, the board would be declaring the results of the candidates of class x in the month of may along with the results of board based summative assessment-II, and will be issuing the uniform certificate to every student.

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we want date sheet…
show me sample papers for english and science
board ka separate result milna chahiye yarar…
is there any difference between the datesheet of board conducted and school conducted board exam.
if someone attends the board exam at 10 will the formatives mark would be counted for their total percentagae. or the board exams mark would be given preference . pls give me a answer to the gmail acoount [email protected]
Ben 20% for SA1 & 40% for SA2 .10% for FA1,FA2,FA3,FA4.
i am a student of a english medium school. i am writing the school conducted exam.i am wishing to go to a state schol. did really can i go to a state school. plz send answer to my account
what is difference between cbse board & cbse school board
what is difference between cbse board & cbse school board ,whether there is impact on value wise,or they treated as of same value for further studies.
4r both type of exams marks of formative would be counted
I would like to know when the SA-II Board exam for class X would begin and when are we getting the date sheet for it.
Or is it the same datesheet given in the website as CBSE Datesheet for class X.
Please let me know whether the class 9 grades will be added to our results in class 10
My daughter is studying class10. She gave the option for board exam. I want to know when the results are declared in the month of may will the certificate reflect the grades of SA-1. If so final grade will be on the basis of both marks and grades of both SA-1 and SA-2 or not.
Please clarify
can we still go to P.U collages even if we opt for school based evaluation ?
I want to know that the certificates issued by CBSE will be same or not for all the students appearing in BOARD or SCHOOL
sir , i would like to know if some one get B1 grade in SA1 and get good grade A1 or A2 in SA2 then what r the chances for him to get science stream.
I read in KV, Barrack pore,WB.I opted for SA-II school exm in class x. When the admission procedure will be started for class-XI?y father is under transfer to delhi. Is any school (KV) can deny to get me admission in my desire KV?Kindly reply?
I does not like CCE pattern.
will we also get a merit certificate for class 10
till what date will we cum @ know our result plz reply as soon as possible
will our school tell us d result or will we need to search for it on d net
really we want seperate results for board exams to asses ourselves or our board preparations will go a waste! 🙁
so will be choosing our subjects for 11 in may???? if yes then what about the coaching classes starting in aprilonly…………..can we choose subject of our own choice? pls reply…………
evrybudy hate this cce pattern
I wanted to know that the students who are giving school conducted exams will get result on net or from school
we want a system which will separately show the results of SA1 & SA2
Please i want to know that the marks or grades of 9th n sa1 will be added
when will we enter class xI class
I want to know the date of Xth result for the year 2011. And also want to know that how many % need to take commerce wity maths.
I want to know the date of Xth result for the year 2011. And also want to know that how many % need to take commerce with maths.
when we r we gonna get our results ??????
y the hell is school reopening if v don even knw the results of sa 2 how can v decide which sub wud be better for us?????
declare the result date as fast as possible
hey frnds…:)
am a new comer 2 dis site..pls help me in gettin a guide for eng{Grade 12}
could u ppl plz let us knw d date on wich our results will b out
is it best of the two SA’s in the 10th certificate for cbse(cce)
when are the results for sa2 going to come……?
when is the result publishing.?
plz issue the date …..
i want to know the date of Xth result ……………………………..
i want to know that whether the result of school conducted exams of class 10 will be declared on internet or not?
and also when the result will be declared?
thank you…. 🙂
when we know our results?
We dont have any roll no. how will we see our result????????
so will be choosing our subjects for 11 in may???? if yes then what about the coaching classes starting in aprilonly…………..can we choose subject of our own choice? pls reply…………
our class 10th results will be out on 16………and we wud nt get any percentile….just gradin pt.s
may i knw wen is our 10th class result gonna be out?
are u sure dat v are gonna get our cbse class 10 results on 16th may???
can anyone plz confirm it..!!?
d results r going to be declared on 16th of may.if yes then what will be the mark-sheet pattern it will include the marks of FA1 FA2 FA3 FA4 n SA1?
wts da criteria of getng sci(non med) in 11th under cce system…….??????
when will 10th results of cbse declared….???
plzzzzzzzzz tel me is d result goin 2 b declared on net or it will hand over in d school for cce board of class x .tell me quickly plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
board result should have 9.8 and 10 cgpa as same
I Wanna Know the date of 10th Result
i thnk c b s e ppl r playng wid d studnts who opted CCE til nw reslts r nt anounced,…………………………………………….
hw irresponsible ppl r dey ;->
The results would be declared on 20 may…..
its 30th may……………wen is our 10th board result………….may is about 2 end………..pls rply quickly ……………………….
aakhir sabr kaa pal khatam hua
aree cbse walo meerut me rslt kab declare karoge hmmmm bichare hum jaise baacho kiii jaan nikli jaa rhi hai
guwahati n bhuwaneswar result wil a declare on 4/6 at 10am.
if someone attends the board exam at 10 will the formatives mark would be counted for their total percentagae. or the board exams mark would be given preference
please..please give us the date sheet of board exams……..and the results must be given seperately
i want to know, what is the criteria used in for preparing final results……………
10 ka result kab aayega
kya grading system better hain marks se
when the result of class 10 declared
I gave my exam from School Board. how can i got my result. plz help me…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
jab bhi result aa jayega to mujhe inform kar dena plz. my phn no. is 9716325708
my phone number is 8527168114.
maine apne Xth ke exam school se diye hai (cce pattern) jab bhi result aa jayega to mujhe mere num. par inform kar dena. plz.
will i get 10 cgpa my overall grades are A1 IN SCIENCE AND SST AND A2 IN ENGLISH HINDI,MATHS
Please tell me when the compartmenet result ?