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Install NowClass 11 Accountancy Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors Extra Questions. myCBSEguide has just released Chapter Wise Question Answers for class 11. Accountancy is the process of communicating financial information about a business entity to users such as shareholders and managers. Accountancy describes the duties of an accountant, the person whose job is to keep, inspect and interpret financial accounts. There chapter wise Practice Questions with complete solutions are available for download in myCBSEguide website and mobile app. These Question with solution are prepared by our team of expert teachers who are teaching grade in CBSE schools for years. There are around 4-5 set of solved Accountancy Extra questions from each and every chapter. The students will not miss any concept in these Chapter wise question that are specially designed to tackle Exam. We have taken care of every single concept given in CBSE Class 11 Accountancy syllabus and questions are framed as per the latest marking scheme and blue print issued by CBSE for class 11.
Class 11 Accountancy Extra Questions
Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors Class 11 Accountancy Important Questions
Trial Balance & Rectification Errors
- If the amount is posted in the wrong account or it is written on the wrong side of account, what error is it?
- What do you understand by rectification of errors?
- Give two examples of two-sided error.
- Give one example of one-sided errors.
- Discuss the balance method of preparing trial balance.
- A book-keeper of a trading concern having failed to agree the trial balance, opened a suspense account and entered the difference in the trial balance.
The following errors were subsequently discovered- Goods sold to Manohar for Rs 550 was posted as Rs 5,500.
- Purchases return book was carried forward as Rs 1,220 instead of Rs 1,120.
You are required to pass the journal entries for rectification of the above errors
- Rectify the following errors
- Depreciation provided on machinery Rs 4,000 was not posted.
- Bad debts written-off Rs 5,000 were not posted.
- Discount allowed to a debtor Rs 100 on receiving cash from him was not posted.
- Bill receivable for Rs 2,000 received from a debtor was not posted.
- Rectify the following errors
- Sales book overcast by Rs 700.
- Purchase book overcast by Rs 500.
- Sales return book overcast by Rs 300.
- Purchase return book overcast by Rs 200
- Give the journal entries to rectify the following errors using suspense account, where necessary.
- Rs 3,000 received from a customer as an advance against order was credited to sales account.
- A sum of Rs 800 written-off as depreciation on machinery, were not posted to depreciation account.
- Purchase of a scooter was debited to conveyance account Rs 16,000. Firm charges 10% depreciation on vehicles.
- Payment of Rs 500 to Mohan and Rs 600 to Sohan was made but Mohan was debited with Rs 600 and Sohan with Rs 500.
- Sales to X Rs 500 were posted to Y ’s account.
- Journalise the following transactions. Post them into the ledger and prepare a trial balance.
Date Particulars Amt (Rs.) 2013 Apr 1 Vishal started a business with cash 16,00,000 Apr 2 Deposited in bank 8,00,000 Apr 3 Goods purchased by cheque 4,80,000 Apr 5 Goods purchased from Raj 3,20,000 Apr 7 Good sold for cash 1,60,000 Apr 10 Goods sold to Rohan 4,80,000 Apr 15 Cash received from Rohan 4,60,000 He was allowed a discount 20,000 Apr 17 Paid to charity 4,000 Apr 18 Paid to Raj 1,56,000 Received discount from him 4,000 Apr 25 Paid salary 20,000 Paid rent 16,000 Apr 30 Purchased furniture from vijay and paid by cheque 60,000
Trial Balance & Rectification Errors
- This is an error of commission.
- While recording business transactions, some errors are committed.There are 4 kinds of errors, namely;
- Error of Principle
- The error of Commission.
- Error of Omission
- Compensatory Error.
These errors have to be corrected before finalization of account. The process of correcting these errors is known as Rectification of Errors.
- Two-sided errors refer to those errors that do not affect the agreement (tallying) of the trial balance.
- Machinery purchased recorded in the purchases book.
- Old furniture sold is recorded as sales of goods.
- Errors due to partial omission is an example of one-sided error.
- Trial balance is a statement that is prepared to make sure that the transactions for a particular period have been duly recorded in the journal and properly posted to the relevant ledger accounts. It has debit and credit columns to record the balances extracted from ledger accounts with a view to test the arithmetical accuracy of the books of accounts. Under balance method the following procedure is adopted to draw up a trial balance:
- First of all the name of all accounts is written along with serial number.
- The total balances of all accounts are taken and debit balances are written in the debit column & credit balances in the credit column in the Trial Balance.
- The total of debit & credit columns of the Trial Balance is calculated. Total of both columns of Trial Balance should be equal.
Date Particulars L/F Debit Amount
Credit Amount
Suspense A/c To Manohar’s A/c
(Being the sales of goods-wrongly over-debited to customer, now rectified)Dr 4,950 4,950 Purchase Return A/c To Suspense A/c
(Being the error in carrying forward of total of purchases return book, now rectified)Dr 100 100 A suspense account is a general ledger account in which amounts are temporarily recorded. The suspense account is used because the appropriate general ledger account could not be determined at the time that the transaction was recorded.
Rectification Journal Entries
S. No. Particulars L.F. Dr. (Rs) Cr. (Rs) 1 Depreciation A/c To Machinery A/c
(Being depreciation omitted to be recorded earlier, now recorded.)Dr 4,000 4,000 2 Bad Debts A/c To Debtor’s A/c
(Being bad debts written-off omitted to be recorded earlier, now recorded.)Dr 5,000 5,000 3 Discount Allowed A/c To Debtor’s A/c
(Being discount allowed to debtors omitted to be recorded earlier, now recorded.)Dr 100 100 4 Bills Receivable A/c To Debtor’s A/c
(Being bills receivable from debtors omitted to be recorded earlier, now recorded)Dr 2,000 2,000 11,100 11,100 Date Particulars LF Amt (Dr) Amt (Cr) Sales A/c Dr 700 To Suspense A/c
(Being sales books overcast by 700, now rectified)700 Suspense A/c Dr 500 To Purchases A/c
(Being purchase book overcast by Rs 500, now rectified)500 Suspense A/c Dr 300 To Sales Return A/c
(Being sales return book overcast by Rs 300, now rectified)300 Purchases Return A/c Dr 200 To Suspense A/c
(Being purchase return book overcast by Rs 200, now rectified)200 In all the given cases, one-sided errors can be discovered as there has been an overcasting of the accounts. Therefore, the rectification has been done by reversing the accounts opposite to their normal balance.
Rectifying Entries
S. No. Particulars L.F. Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.) 1. Sales A/c Dr. 3,000 To Customer’s Personal A/c 3,000 (Being advance received from a customer, wrongly credited to Sales A/c, now corrected.) 2. Depreciation A/c Dr. 800 To Suspense A/c 800 (Being Depreciation on machinery not entered in the Depreciation A/c, now corrected.) 3. Scooter A/c Dr. 16,000 To Conveyance A/c 16,000 (Being purchase of a scooter, wrongly debited to conveyance A/c, now corrected.) Depreciation A/c Dr. 1,600 To Scooter A/c 1,600 (Being 10% Depreciation on scooter not charged earlier, now corrected.) 4. Sohan Dr. 100 To Mohan 100 (Being Mohan’s a/c overcast by Rs. 100 and Sohan’s a/c undercast by Rs. 100, now corrected.) 5. X Dr. 500 To Y 500 (Being goods sold to Mr. X, wrongly posted to Mr.Y, now corrected.) - A journal is a detailed account that records all the financial transactions of a business, to be used for future reconciling of and transfer to other official accounting records, such as the general ledger. Manual systems usually had a variety of journals such as a sales journal, purchases journal, cash receipts journal, cash disbursements journal, and a general journal.
In the books of Vishal
Journal entriesDate Particulars LF Debit Amount (Rs.) Credit Amount (Rs.) 1/4/2013 Cash A/c Dr. 16,00,000 To Capital A/c 16,00,000 (Being Business started with cash) 2/4/2013 Bank A/c Dr. 8,00,000 To Cash A/c 8,00,000 (Being cash deposited into the bank) 3/4/2013 Purchases A/c Dr. 4,80,000 To Bank A/c 4,80,000 (Being goods purchased and a cheque issued) 5/4/2013 Purchases A/c Dr. 3,20,000 To Raj A/c 3,20,000 (Being goods purchased from Raj on credit) 7/4/2013 Cash A/c Dr. 1,60,000 To Sales A/c 1,60,000 (Being goods sold for cash) 10/4/2013 Rohan A/c Dr. 4,80,000 To Sales A/c 4,80,000 (Being goods sold to Rohan on cash) 15/4/2013 Cash A/c Dr. 4,60,000 Discount allowed A/c Dr. 20,000 To Rohan A/c 4,80,000 (Being cash received from Rohan and discount allowed to him) 17/4/2013 Charity A/c Dr. 4,000 To Cash a/c 4,000 (Being charity paid in cash) 18/4/2013 Raj A/c Dr. 1,60,000 To Cash A/c 1,56,000 To Discount Received A/c 4,000 (Being cash paid to Raj and discount allowed by him) 25/4/2013 Salary A/c Dr. 20,000 Rent A/c Dr. 16,000 To Cash A/c“` 36,000 (Being Salary and Rent paid in cash) 30/4/2013 Furniture A/c Dr. 60,000 To Bank a/c 60,000 (Being furniture purchased from Vijay and cheque issued to him) A ledger is the principal book or computer file for recording and totalling economic transactions measured in terms of a monetary unit of account by account type, with debits and credits in separate columns and a beginning monetary balance and ending monetary balance for each account.
Ledger Posting
Dr. Cash A/c Cr. Date Paritculars JF Amount (Rs.) Date Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) 1/4/13 To Capiral A/c 16,00,000 2/4/13 By Bank A/c 8,00,000 7/4/13 To Sales A/c 1,60,000 17/4/13 By Charity A/c 4000 15/4/13 To Rohan A/c 4,60,000 25/4/13 By Salary A/c 20,000 25/4/13 By Rent A/c 16,000 18/4/13 By Raj A/c 1,56,000 30/4/13 By Balance C/d 12.24.000 Total 22,20,000 Total 22,20,000 1/5/13 To Balance b/d 12,24,000 Dr. Capital A/c Cr. Date Paritculars JF Amount (Rs.) Date Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) 30/4/13 To balance c/d 16,00,000 1/4/13 By Cash A/c 16,00,000 16,00,000 16,00,000 1/5/13 By balance b/d 16,00,000 Dr. Bank A/c Cr. Date Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) Date Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) 2/4/13 To Cash A/c 8,00,000 3/4/13 By Purchases A/c 4,80,000 30/4/13 By Furniture A/c 60,000 30/4/13 By balance C/d 2,60,000 8,00,000 8,00,000 1/5/13 To balance b/d 2,60,000 Dr. Purchase A/c Cr. Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) Date Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) 3/4/13 To bank A/c 4,80,000 30/4/13 By balance c/d 8,00,000 5/4/13 To Raj A/c 3,20,000 8,00,000 8,00,000 1/5/13 To balance b/d 8,00,000 Dr. Raj A/c Cr. Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) Date Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) 18/4/13 To Cash A/c 1,56,000 5/4/13 By Purchase A/c 3,20,000 18/4/13 To Discount A/c 4,000 30/4/13 To balance c/d 1,60,000 3,20,000 3,20,000 1/5/13 By balance b/d 1,60,000 Dr. Rohan A/c Cr. Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) Date Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) 10/4/13 To Sales A/c 4,80,000 15/4/13 By Cash A/c 4,60,000 15/4/13 By Discount A/c 20,000 4,80,000 4,80,000 Dr. Sales A/c Cr. Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) Date Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) 30/4/13 To Balnce c/d 6,40,000 7/4/13 By Cash A/c 1,60,000 10/4/13 By Rohan A/c 4,80,000 6,40,000 6,40,000 1/5/13 By balance b/d 6,40,000 Dr. Discount Allowed A/c Cr. Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) Date Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) 15/4/13 To Rohan A/c 20,000 30/4/13 By balance c/d 20,000 20,000 20,000 1/5/13 To balance b/d 20,000 Dr. Charity A/c Cr. Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) Date Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) 17/4/13 To Cash A/c 4,000 30/4/13 By balance c/d 4,000 4,000 4,000 1/5/13 To balance b/d 4,000 DR. Salary A/c Cr. Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) Date Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) 25/4/13 To Cash A/c 20,000 30/4/13 By balance c/d 20,000 20,000 20,000 1/5/13 To balance b/d 20,000 DR. Rent A/c Cr. Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) Date Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) 25/4/13 To Cash A/c 16,000 30/4/13 By balance c/d 16,000 16,000 16,000 1/5/13 To balance b/d 16,000 Dr. Furniture A/c Cr. Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) Date Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) 30/4/13 To Bank A/c 60,000 30/4/13 By balance c/d 60,000 60,000 60,000 1/5/13 To balance b/d 60,000 Dr. Discount Receivable A/c Cr. Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) Date Particulars JF Amount (Rs.) 30/4/13 To Balance c/d 4,000 18/04/13 By Raj A/c 4,000 4,000 4,000 1/5/13 By balance b/d 4,000 A trial balance is a bookkeeping or accounting report that lists the balances in each of an organization’s general ledger accounts. (Often the accounts with zero balances will not be listed.) The debit balance amounts are listed in a column with the heading “Debit balances” and the credit balance amounts are listed in another column with the heading “Credit balances.” The total of each of these two columns should be identical.
The trial balance is not a financial statement. It is mainly an internal report that is/was useful in a manual accounting system. If the trial balance did not “balance” it signaled an error somewhere between the journal and the trial balance. Often the cause of the difference was a miscalculation of an account balance, posting a debit amount as a credit (or vice versa), transposing digits within an amount when posting or preparing the trial balance, etc.
Today’s accounting software has been written to eliminate those errors. Hence, the trial balance is less important for bookkeeping purposes since it is almost certain that the general ledger and the trial balance will have the debits equal to the credits.
The trial balance continues to be useful for auditors and accountants who wish to show 1) the general ledger account balances prior to their proposed adjustments, 2) their proposed adjustments, and 3) all of the account balances after the proposed adjustments. The adjusted amounts make up the adjusted trial balance and the adjusted amounts will be used in the organization’s financial statements.
Trial Balance
Particulars Debit Amount(Rs.) Credit Amount (Rs) Cash 12,24,000 Capital 16,00,000 Bank 2,60,000 Purchases 8,00,000 Creditors(Raj) 1,60,000 Discount Receivable 4,000 Sales 6,40,000 Discount Allowed 20,000 Charity 4,000 Salary 20,000 Rent 16,000 Furniture 60,000 Total 24,04,000 24,04,000
Class 11 Accountancy Chapter Wise Important Question

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