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Install NowIn CBSE Class 10 this year onwards, you may have noticed written ** Upgraded Grades by one Level. This is a new policy under CCE system of examination that if a student gets good grades in extra-curricular activities, he/she will be upgraded one level in upto two main subjects.
A student who gets A+ in all the categories of co-scholastic areas included in the report card will earn 42 grade points according to the scale.
Part 2 A : Life Skills | ||||
Grades | Thinking Skills | Social Skills | Emotional Skills | Total Points |
A+ | 5 | 5 | 5 | 15 |
A | 4 | 4 | 4 | 12 |
B+ | 3 | 3 | 3 | 9 |
B | 2 | 2 | 2 | 6 |
C | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
Part 2 B : Attitudes and values | ||||||
Grades | Teachers | School-mates | School Programmes | Environment | Value System | Total Points |
A+ | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 15 |
A | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 10 |
B | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 |
Part 3 A : Co-Scholastic Activities (any two) | |||
Grades | Literacy and Creative skills, Clubs | Scientific skills and Aesthetic Skills | Total Points |
A+ | 3 | 3 | 6 |
A | 2 | 2 | 4 |
B | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Part 3 B : Health and physical education (any two) | |||
Grades | Sports/ Indigenous sports/ NCC / NSS/ Scouting and Guiding | Swimming/ Gymnastics/ Yoga/ First Aid/ Gardening/Shramdaan | Total Points |
A+ | 3 | 3 | 6 |
A | 2 | 2 | 4 |
B | 1 | 1 | 2 |
The system will work as below :
Those students who get total grade points in the range 34-42, may benefit by getting upgraded to the next higher grade in two subjects in scholastic areas.
Those students who get total grade points in the range 19-33, may benefit by getting upgraded to the next higher grade in one subject in scholastic areas.
If a student gets less than 19 total grade points in co-scholastic areas, separate remark may be made in the report card stating that participation and achievement in co-scholastic areas needs improvement. However, this should not affect the student’s promotion to higher class.
A star may be put on every up-scaled grade to indicate that the final grade has been arrived after including the achievement of the student in co-scholastic areas. A footnote in this regard may be given at appropriate place in the report card.
The benefit of up scaling the grade in different subjects may start from the subject in which a student obtains lowest grade followed by next higher grade and so on.
Benefit shall be given to the students who win I/II positions/prizes in competitions held at state level and/or participation in competitions held at national/international level organized by a body recognized by the state/central Government /CBSE. Any competition organized by such agencies related to the co-Scholastic areas included in the Board’s CCE Card may be considered for giving this benefit. Those students who qualify under this provision will benefit by getting their grade up-scaled to the next higher grade in two subjects provided this benefit has not been given to the student under the aforesaid grade point scheme.

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what is meant by one level up gradation of grades?
Does it mean that if a person gets overall grade A2 in a particular subject and by virtue of non-scholastic grade points that particular subject will be awarded A1*????.Please clarify.
what is meant by one level up gradation of grades?Does it mean that if a person gets overall grade A2 in a particular subject and by virtue of co-scholastic grade points that particular subject will be awarded A1*????.Please clarify.NRMRAO
It is seen in many school that the evaluation system is not fare. the student who attend tution in their respective subject teachers gets better marks and responce and thoose who take tution with other teaches. What are the methodology adopted to check such favourism by theteacher?
board has given upgradation in optional subject instead of main subject. It is right. my son has got upgradation in maths and punjabi(Optional subject intead of another main subject. this causes him lesser grade in main subjects and lesser CGPA. while in this circular board has mentioned the word main subjects. Kindly advise me should this be corrected
sir plz tell me the garde was already upgade or not in net result………..
plz tell me that i have got cgpa 6.0 $im math i hve got c1 grade &in sci. i hve got c1** can school give me math science or not…………………………..
what is meant by one level up gradation of grades?
Does it mean that if a person gets overall grade A2 in a particular subject and by virtue of non-scholastic grade points that particular subject will be awarded A1*????.Please clarify
what is meant by one level up gradation of grades?
Does it mean that if a person gets overall grade A2 in a particular subject and by virtue of non-scholastic grade points that particular subject will be awarded A1*????.Please clarify.
will there be any upgradation for scoring full marks in computer??
whether upgradation is applicable for all the subjects ?????whether a person who get 83/100 will also get a1
if i get cgpa 8.6 then will i get upgrade in any two subjects?
if i get CGPA 8.6 then will i get upgrade in any two subects?
i love cce…….it is so nice…..
anshul you can’t apply for science strem.
if i had 9.5 cgpa then is this is possible to have 10 cgpa with upgraded grades
i have got upscaled grade in english and hindi but i want it in science so that my A2 in science becomes A1 is it possible?
plz reply me on my ID . PLZ………
i got in 10 class sst B2**what does it means
Sir, i got 5.6 cgpa can i get admission in 11th class to another school.
My son got Grade B in Part2 A Life Skills in Xth final exam Apr,2012 (this year), He participated in almost every activity of school including sports/clubs etc. Received prizes also. In studying also he scored A or A+ from 1st std. till today. Can we get a revised Mark List for PART 2 A Grading, Who descides this grade whether school or board ?
Kindy reply on urgent basis. Iam from Mangalore
I am a student who appeared Board conducted exam SSE 2012. My Part 2 A ,2B, 3A,3B(Non- scholastic ), grades are comparatively low and as I have participated in almost all activities and won Ist prize in arts and sports. We have already given a written request to the school authorities along with the copies of my certificates supporting the same . What is the next step that I need to take so that my non-scholastic grade can be revised ? Kindly give me an urgent reply.
hi my name is rajwinder kaur my roll no .i 2215459 dob 1 feb 1996 pls send me my total marks of all subjects my cgpa 9.8 what is its mean
is it possible that a student gets upgradation in same subject twice being lowest
Can a School send a revised Grades for Co-Schoolatic activities like Life Skills to Board, if earlier data sent contain mistakes or errors or typical errors while uploading from School.
hey! i am a person in a similar situation as yours.. Please tell what happened after you gave a request to your school to upgrade your grades?? plz reply ASAP on [email protected]
sir i am kaushik vishnudas i rfect in am just 9th pass & entered into 10th i am very poor in studies & i am perfect in extra culcular activies, can we buy board question papers for 10th summative 2 plz say me or give me the proper way to get 10 points with out studying
how to take percentage with given cgpa
Your original grade was C1, but CBSE upgraded you to B2.
wha wha
bhai teri sckul he lelle to badi bat he
yes what u said is correct, in a particular subject grade will be upgraded to next grade
No not possible…you get up gradation in one subject only once.
main subjects that is maths or science…if you get A* in those..then they will upgrade other subjects like languages or SST
i have grades maths sst hindi A1 …
how can i get 10 cgpa ??
you can’t get 10 CGPA as you have B1 in sanskrit….it can be A2 if it will be upgraded…….so you’ll get 10CGPA
Sir, will this upgrading system be same for session 2012-2013
CBSE 10th Paper SA2 will beof 80 marks or 90???
Hard copy of the Final report card is made by the school or by the board??
Please tell me that i had got Summative assesment a2 and in fa a1 in maths what will me final grade
i got {A} in every feild and i got no upgradation my total is 30. where as with same gradeand same total my friend got upgradation in 2 subjects ! how it is possible please clarify………… please be soon.
can b1 in a main subject be upgraded to a1
is there upgradation for the year 2012-2013 pls reply
i just want to know whether the upgradation is done oin the same way this year…pls reply
u have to multiply ur cgpa points with 9.5.. for eg: 9 cgpa* 9.5=85%
this is the method to calculate…..
yes i also wnt to know abt this……….i have the same query……………whoevr knows properly………pls ans it guys!
can i be upgraded in two subjects i.e maths and english……..if i get A2 in these two subjects???
if i get 9.6 cgpa………….can i get 10 cgpa with the help of upgradation?? please clarify me…….
If I have
A2 in hindi, english, science, math. and a1 in S.Sc in SA1
and i would get A1 in all the subject in SA2 .
then could i get 10cgpa ….
please reply
hooorrray… 🙂
I am vry glad to hear bout this……..
thanxx CBSE
what if I get a1 in all the subjects but one …. and my grade points are in the 34-42 range, will the same subject get upgraded twice???
Yes surely
Ya You Can
IF I get 84 out of 90 in sa2 then by up gradation can I get A1
in how many subjects is upgradation done?
upgrading will also be done for non-board students?
chup raho…
If i get a1 in four subject and a2 in one subject , can i get cgpa 10?
i have all a1 in sa1 but i think i have a2 in hindi and maths….. will i get a1 in both at final results?????????? i have a1 in all co curricular activity………..
a2 in sa2
true..!! the teachers gives lenient checking to those students who takes tuition frm them..every1 should be equally treated..
omg..! i think ur not here fr pointing out errors in everyone..!
If u get 84 out of 90 then you have already secured A1 grade.
Upgradation takes place from the subject in which You have secured the least marks.
I got a2 grades in all subjects overall in class IX and got overall A2 grades In X term 1 as well.Can anyone approximately predict my overall result in cgpa?? Pls help
hi guys
if i get A2 in all subjects what would be my cgpa after upgradation?
pls help me
”So true…………. ! i have also become a victim of this method adopted by some teachers of my institution………”
I get B** to two subjects ……then that is my orginal grade or B1 is my orginal grade?????
Is that any effect 0f 9 class marks in 10 class result.
If in my 10th grade results I get transfer case it is pass or I have to repid the 10th again ? Plz reply
what is the meaning of double star
if i get A2 in English B1 in Hindi A1 in maths A1 in science B1 in sst then what cgpa will i get with upgrading
Are computer marks also included in calculating the cgpa of class 9 and 10? Please reply
I am swastik. I got A1 in 4 subjects and A2 in two. Will those two subjects of mine be upgraded to A1 or only one will be upgraded. Please reply and will I get cgpa10 ?
Hey can someone clarify my doubt.I scored a b1 in maths in sa1 but have 2 a1 in fa1 and fa2..so what will be my overall grade of first term.
if got C1 and B1 in all subject in Sa1 and a1 in all subject in Sa2 ..where i got above 9 CGPa in class 10..
if got C1 and2 in all subject in Sa1 and a1 in all subject in Sa2 ..where i got above 9 CGPa in class 10..
Hii Guyzz,,
If i get A1 in four subjects and A2 in one[overall] , It will be upgrade to A1.Will i get CGPA 10 in tenth class report…and will i be eligible for merit certificate given by the board????…..
i got a 1IN FOUR SUBS AND A2 in one sub with a1 in all fas is their a possibility of 10 cgpa
i have got a2 in sa1 will i get 10 cgpa
if i get 8 cgPA CAN I GET SCIENCE
What if i get b1 in co scolarstic can my grades be upgraded
i got 8.2 cgpa i sa1 can i get 9+ cgpa
Hey i got 7.4 cgpa in my SA1 exams total.
Do i have a chance to get 9.0-9.4 cgpa in my class 10 total results?
my school didnt upgraded our grades and our grades without upgradation were sent to board, is their any chance to upgrade our grades.
If I got 9.4 in SA1 so can i get 10 CGPA
I Played national but did not win any prize so,can i get any advantages to playing national in my class 10 results
i have got A1 in english,maths,science,social science, but in hindi A2 can i get 10 cgpa
due to upgradation
hi you got 10 cgpa or not]
i think i would score a2 in maths and science and a1 in sst english hindi and regional language . can a2 be upgraded to a1 ? will this make my 10 cgpa in sa2 class 10 th ?
hey i got 8.4 cgpa in 10th
hey i got cgpa 8.4 in 10th
or any difference between one * or ** also
Is upgradation available for this year 10th exams
If I got a A+ in my term 1 report card and term 2 report card and get scholar batch are they chances that I get into ability section
I got 6.8