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Install NowCBSE Important Questions for Class 8 Chapter 7 Political Science. myCBSEguide has just released Chapter Wise Question Answers for class 8 Social Science. There chapter wise Practice Questions with complete solutions are available for download in myCBSEguide website and mobile app. These Extra Questions with solution are prepared by our team of expert teachers who are teaching grade in CBSE schools for years. There are around 4-5 set of solved Pol Science Extra questions from each and every chapter. The students will not miss any concept in these Chapter wise question that are specially designed to tackle Exam. We have taken care of every single concept given in CBSE Class 8 Social Science syllabus and questions are framed as per the latest marking scheme and blue print issued by CBSE for Class 8.
CBSE Class 8 Pol Science Extra Questions
Class 8 Political Science Understanding Marginalisation Practice Questions
Understanding Marginalisation Worksheet 01
- The caste system is a hierarchical system and Dalits are considered to be
- at the lowest end
- no where
- at the top end
- at the middle end
- Article ___ of the Constitution states that untouchability has been abolished
- 15
- 17
- 18
- 16
- Adivasis? the term literally means
- Rich inhabitants
- North inhabitants
- original inhabitants
- Desi inhabitants
- ____ spirit are often worshipped at specific sacred groves within the village boundary while the ancestral ones are usually worshipped at home
- Nature
- River
- Village
- Animal
- Soyrabai, the wife of the well known Bhakti poet
- Tulsidas
- Kabir
- Chokhamela
- Rahim
Match the following:
Column A Column B (i) Adivasis (a) Constitutional safeguard (ii) Minorities (b) Orissa (iii) Muslim community (c) Scheduled Tribes (iv) Dongarriya Konds (d) Sachar Committee - ……………….women are an important part of the women’s movement in India.
- In the North-east, the lands of Adivasis remain highly…………….and war-tom.
- Adivasis practise a range of tribal religions that are different from Islam,…………….and……….
- …………percent of tribal groups in rural areas and…………….percent in urban areas live below the poverty line.
- Muslims are…………….percent of India’s population.
State true or false:
- Adivasis are exotic, primitive and backward.
- Many tribal children are well-nourished.
- Adivasi languages are influenced by mainstream Indian languages.
- Literacy rates among tribals are very low.
Mention the consequences of marginalisation.
What reality is brought in light by the Sachar Committee?
Why are Muslims considered as a marginalised community in India today?
What do you mean by stereotyping? Is it good or bad? Why?
Briefly describe the Adivasis.
Understanding Marginalisation Worksheet 01
- at the lowest end, Explanation: The term Dalit, means ‘broken’ is used deliberately and actively by groups to highlight the centuries of discrimination they have experienced within the caste system.
- 17, Explanation: Untouchability is abolished and its practice in any form is forbidden The enforcement of any disability arising out of Untouchability shall be an offence punishable in accordance with law. Article 17 of the constitution abolishes the practice of untouchability.
- original inhabitants, Explanation Adivasis are communities who lived and often continue to live in close association with forests.
- Village, Explanation: Adivasis are often involved in the worship of ancestors, village and nature spirits, the last associated with and residing in various sites in the landscape-‘mountain spirits’,’river spirits’,’animal spirits’, etc.
- Chokhamela, Explanation: Chokhamela,a Bhakti poet from fourteenth century Maharashtra, belonged to the Mahar caste which was at that time considered untouchable.
- Adivasis – (c) Scheduled Tribes
- Minorities – (a) Constitutional safeguard
- Muslim community – (d) Sachar Committee
- Dongarriya Konds – (b) Orissa
- Muslim : Muslim customs and practices are some times quite distinct from what is seen as the mainstream.So they tend to be identified differently and this becomes an excuse to treat them unfairly and discriminate against them.
- militarised: A recent survey by organisations working among Adivasis shows that 79%of the persons displaced from the states of Andhra Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Orissa and Jharkhand are tribals.
- Hinduism, Christianity: The largest and best known tribal religion of India is that of Santhal of Orissa.
- 45, 35: Losing their landsand acess to the forest means that tribals lose their main sources of livelihood and food.So Adivasis have migrated to cities in search of work.
- 13.4: Muslims are considered to be marginalised community in India today because in comparison to other communities, they have over the years been deprived of the benifits of socio-economic development.
- False ii. False iii. False iv. True
- Marginalization results in having a low social status and not having equal status in the society.
- the Sachar Committee reported that only 4% of Muslim children are in Madarsas, whereas 66% attend government school and 30% private schools.
- It is because in comparison to other communities, they have always been deprived of the benefits of socio-economic development.
- Stereotyping means seeing and presenting a community of people in particular ways without having full knowledge of the reality of their lives. Adivasis, for example, are usually depicted in colourful costumes and headgear. Stereotyping is not good because it leads to wrong notions about a particular community and on that basis, discriminating against it.
- The term ‘Adivasi’ literally means ‘original inhabitants’ – are communities who lived and often continue to live, in close association with forests.
- Around 8% of India’s population is of Adivasis and many of India’s most important mining and industrial centres are located in Adivasi areas- Jamshedpur, Rourkela, Bokaro, and Bhilai, among others.
- Adivasis practise a range of tribal religions that are different from Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity.
- They worship their ancestors, village and nature spirits.
- They have their own languages and their own music and folk system in which they live by themselves.
- Adivasi societies are also the most distinctive because there is often very little hierarchy among them. This makes them radically different from communities organised around principles of jati-varna (caste) or those that were ruled by kings.
Chapter Wise Extra Questions for Class 8 Social Science

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