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Install NowCBSE Class-11 PSA Sample Papers, Problem Solving Assessment Sample Papers for CBSE class-11 are now available FREE to download in PDF at myCBSEguide.com. These newly updated PSA Sample Papers are designed as per the latest PSA syllabus issued by CBSE for session 2014-15 onwards.
Problem solving assessment question paper has three sections. First section is language conventions which carries 24 questions. You need to choose either Hindi or English in this section. Second section is Qualitative Reasoning with 18 questions and the third section is Quantitative Reasoning that carries 18 questions. Thus, there are total 60 questions for 60 marks.
We have already added PSA sample papers for class-9. Users can now take free online tests for class-9 and class-11 PSA Here. Subscribe our free newsletter given below and like us on FaceBook to get latest updates in your mailbox.

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