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Install NowCBSE Class 11 Accountancy Chapter 5 Practice Questions. myCBSEguide has just released Chapter Wise Question Answers for class 11. Accountancy is the process of communicating financial information about a business entity to users such as shareholders and managers. Accountancy describes the duties of an accountant, the person whose job is to keep, inspect and interpret financial accounts. There chapter wise Practice Questions with complete solutions are available for download in myCBSEguide website and mobile app. These Question with solution are prepared by our team of expert teachers who are teaching grade in CBSE schools for years. There are around 4-5 set of solved Accountancy Extra questions from each and every chapter. The students will not miss any concept in these Chapter wise question that are specially designed to tackle Exam. We have taken care of every single concept given in CBSE Class 11 Accountancy syllabus and questions are framed as per the latest marking scheme and blue print issued by CBSE for class 11.
Class 11 Accountancy Extra Questions
Bank Reconciliation Statement Class 11 Accountancy
Ch-5 Bank Reconciliation Statement
- What does favourable balance in passbook indicate?
- What is meant by debit balance in pass book?
- What does unfavourable balance in pass book indicate?
- Briefly explain the statement ‘wrongly debited by the bank’ with the help of an example.
- Bank Statement of a customer shows a bank balance of Rs.62,000 on 31 March 2018.
On comparing it with the cash book, the following discrepancies were noted- Cheques were paid into the Bank in March but were credited in April.
P – Rs.3,500, Q – Rs.2,500. R – Rs.2,000 - Cheques issued in March were Presented in April
X – Rs.4,000, Q – Rs.4,500 - Cheque for Rs.1,000 received from a customer entered in the cash book but was not banked
- Passbook shows a debt of Rs.1,000 for bank charges and credit of Rs.2,000 as interest
- Interest on investment Rs.2,500 collected by the bank appeared in the passbook.
Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement the balance as per cash book on 31 March 2018.
- Cheques were paid into the Bank in March but were credited in April.
- Prepare Bank Reconciliation statement on 31st March 2018 from the following particulars:
- R’s overdraft as per the Pass Book Rs.12,000 as on 31st March
- On 30th March, Cheques had been issued for Rs.70,000 of which cheques worth Rs.3,000 only had been encashed up to 31st March.
- Cheques amounting to Rs.3,500 had been paid into the bank for collection but of this only Rs.500 had been credited in the Pass Book.
- Bank has charged Rs.500 as interest on overdraft and the intimation of which has been received on 2nd April 2018.
- Bank Pass Book shows credit for Rs.1,000 representing Rs.400 Paid by debtor of R direct into the Bank and Rs.600 collected directly by Bank in respect of interest on R’s investment. R had no knowledge of these items.
- A cheque for Rs.200 has been debited in bank column of Cash Book by R, but it was not sent to Bank at all.
- Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 30th September 2016 from the following particulars
(i) Bank Balance as per Pass Book Rs.10,000 (ii) Cheque deposited into bank but no entry was passed in Cash Book Rs.500 (iii) Cheque received and entered in Cash book but not sent to Bank Rs.1,200 (iv) Insurance premium paid directly by the Bank Rs.800 (v) Bank charges entered twice in the Cash Book Rs.20 (vi) Cheque received entered twice in Cash Book Rs.1,000 (vii) Bill discounted dishonoured not recorded in the Cash Book Rs.5,000 - The following facts relate to the business of Roshan who requires you to reconcile his cash book with the pass book balance.
Amt(Rs) Balance as per cash book (Credit) 2,800 Unpresented cheques 3,440 Uncredited cheques 2,260 Additional Information
- The debit side of the cash book (bank column) has been undercast by Rs 500.
- A cheque of Rs 200 paid to a creditor has been entered by mistake in the cash column.
- Bank charges Rs 80 have not been entered in the cash book.
- On 30th June, 2013, the cash book of Galaxy Ltd, showed a balance of Rs 400 at bank. They had sent cheques amounting to Rs 2,000 to the bank before 30th June but it appears from the pass book that cheques worth only Rs 800 had been credited before that date. Similarly, out of cheques of Rs 1,000 issued during the month of June, cheques for Rs 50 were presented and paid in July.
The passbook also showed the following payments- Rs 64 as premium on the life policy according to standing instructions.
- Rs 400 against a pro-note, as per instructions.
The pass book showed that the bank had collected Rs 120 as interest on government securities.
The bank had charged interest Rs 10 and bank charges Rs.4.
There was no entry in the cash book for the payments, interest, etc.
Prepare the bank reconciliation statement as on 30th June, 2013. - From the following particulars, ascertain the Bank Balance as per Pass Book as on 31st March 2018 (a) without correcting the Cash Book balance and (b) after correcting the Cash Book balance
- The bank Balance as per Cash Book on 31st March 2018 Rs.40,000
- Cheques issued but not encashed up to 31st March 2018 amounted to Rs.10,000
- Cheques paid into the bank but not cleared up to 31st March 2018 amounted to Rs.15,000
- Interest on Investments collected by the bank but not entered in the Cash Book Rs.500
- Cheques deposited in the bank but not entered in Cash Book Rs.12,500
- Bank charges debited in Pass book but not entered in Cash Book Rs.100
Ch-5 Bank Reconciliation Statement
- Favourable balance in the passbook indicates the actual amount customer has in its account i.e. the Credit balance.
- Debit balance in pass book indicates the overdraft i.e. the amount customer has withdrawn over the excess of amount deposited.
- Unfavourable balance as per pass book means the Debit balance as per passbook.
- Wrongly debited by the bank is an error done by the bank which means that bank has deducted wrong amount from the account which can be better understood withg the following example:-When a firm issued a cheque of Rs 1,500 to any of its creditor and it is presented for payment and paid by the bank but in place of Rs 1,500 bank debited it wrongly by Rs 15,000. The above error may be opposite too but in every situation, the balance of cash book and pass book will not tally. The term will be used for it will be wrongly debited by the bank, it generally happens at the time of posting the transaction.
as on March 31, 2018Particulars (Cr.) (Dr.) Balance as per Pass Book (Cr.) 62,000 Cheques not yet collected 8,000 Cheques not yet presented 8,500 Cheque omitted to be banked 1,000 Bank Interest 2,000 Bank charges 1,000 Interest on investment 2,500 Balance as per Cash Book (Dr.) (Balancing figure) 59,000 72,000 72,000 BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT
as on 31st March, 2018Particulars (+) (-) Unfavourable balance as per Pass Book (Dr.) 12,000 Cheques not yet presented 67,000 Cheques not yet collected 3,000 Interest on Investments 600 Directly deposited by a customer 400 Cheques omitted to be Banked 200 Bank charges 500 Unfavourable balance as per Cash Book (Cr.) (Balancing figure) 76,300 80,000 80,000 Bank Reconciliation Statement
as on 30th Sep., 2016Particulars (+) (-) Balance as per Pass Book (Cr.) 10,000 Cheque deposited but no entry passed in Cash Book 500 Cheque omitted to be Bank 1,200 Insurance premium paid 800 Bank charges entered twice in the Cash Book 20 Cheque received entered twice in the Cash Book 1,000 Bill dishonoured 5,000 Balance as per Cash Book (Dr.) (Balancing figure) 17,480 18,000 18,000 BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT
Particulars Plus (Rs.) Minus (Rs.) Overdraft as per Cash Book 2,800 Add: Cheques issued but not yet presented 3,440 Debit side of the cash book has been undercast 500 Less: Cheques deposited but not yet credited 2,260 Wrongly credited in cash column 200 Bank charges not recorded in cash book 80 Overdraft as per Pass Book 1,400 5,340 5,340 Bank Reconciliation Statement
as on 30th June, 2013Particulars Amount (Rs.)
Amount (Rs.)
Balance as per Cash Book 400 Add: Cheques issued but not presented for payment 50 Interest collected by bank directly 120 170 Less: Charges directly paid by the bank: Life insurance premium 64 Pro-note 400 Bank charges and interest charged by bank directly 14 Cheques deposited but not collected by the bank 1,200 1,678 Balance(Overdraft) as per Pass Book 1,108 (a) BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT as on March 31, 2018
WITHOUT ADJUSTING CASH BOOKParticulars Plus (Dr.) Minus (Cr.) Balance as per Cash Book (Dr.) 40,000 Cheques not encashed 10,000 Cheques not cleared 15,000 Interest on Investments 500 Cheques deposited, not recorded in Cash Book 12,500 Bank charges 100 Balance as per Pass Book (Cr.) 47,900 63,000 63,000 (b) BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT ADJUSTING CASH BOOK
as on March 31, 2018Particulars Plus (Dr.) Minus (Cr.) Balance as per Cash Book (see Amended cash book) 52,900 Cheques not encashed 10,000 Cheques not cleared 15,000 Balance as per Pass Book 47,900 62,900 62,900 AMENDED CASH BOOK (BANK COLUMN ONLY)
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. To Balance b/d 40,000 By Bank charges 100 To Inter. on Invest. 500 By Balance c/d 52,000 To Cheque deposited 12,500 53,000 53,000
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