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CBSE class 10 Report Card Grading system and result declared on 30th May 2013. For last 3 years CBSE is putting Grades at the place of Marks in the reportcard. The newly introduced CBSE grading system in class 9 and class 10 is actually a nine point scale grading system. The performance of students is assessed in nine points starting from A1 to E2.
CBSE class 10 Report Card
The grades are provided as below:
1. A1 –> for 91 to 100 marks ( grade point is 10)
2. A2 –> for 81 to 90 marks ( grade point is 9)
3. B1 –> for 71 to 80 marks ( grade point is 8 )
4. B2 –> for 61 to 70 marks ( grade point is 7)
5. C1 –> for 51 to 60 marks ( grade point is 6)
6. C2 –> for 41 to 50 marks ( grade point is 5)
7. D –> for 33 to 40 marks ( grade point is 4)
8. E1 –> for 21 to 32 marks ( no grade point)
9. E2 –> for 00 to 20 marks ( no grade point)
Individual grades and grade points will be given for each subject. Students will also get overall grade point for five subjects. This overall grade point is called CGPA (cumulative grade point average) and it can be used to calculate estimated overall percentage of marks obtained by the student.
Calculation of Percentage for one subject : Grade Point X 9.5
Example : suppose a student get B1 in Hindi and his grade point is 8. Now his estimated percentage in Hindi will be 8 X 9.5 = 76 percent.
Calculation of overall percentage : CGPA X 9.5
Example : suppose CGPA (printed on grade sheet) is 7.8. Now his/her estimated overall percentage will be 7.8 X 9.5 = 74.1 percent.
Note : Abbreviations used against Result :
QUAL – Eligible for Qualifying Certificate,
EIOP – Eligible for Improvement of Performance,
NIOP – Not Eligible for Improvement of Performance,
XXXX – Upgradation of Performance/Additional Subject
N.E. – Not Eligible,
R.W. – Result Withheld,
R.L. – Result Later,
UFM – Unfair means,
SJD – Subjudice?

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is this time 40 % marks will be added to the the 60 % marks marks of the 10 of the overall result of class 10
What will be the overall grade if I’ve got A1 in FA1 & FA2, and A2 in SA1 in any particular sub. ?
will sa1 marks will be added on public mark sheet????
then psa marks will be added to sa2???
9.4 is = A1 or not
if grade is A2**….??, please help me
Yes psa marks will be added to sa2!!!! Gd luck…
can i get p.c.m in class 11 after scoring 7.4 cgpa in sa1 exams
no not at all……….
They set them as criteria for filtering in some colleges
hi guys how are you
what if u fail in any 1 subject
I got A1in FA1-2-3 bt got B1in FA3
What will be my overall FA grade
Is 9th marks added in class 10 the results plz reply
What does ‘marks’ mean when we get it out of 90 and not 100?
Hey if I got 9.039 out of 10 then what is my grade a1 or a2
Please give result as soon as possible before June because we want think the next step
I got 91 marks in English, then what is my grade
Hello, I’m a CBSE passout last year and I could score a CGPA of 9.8. Even though I have a doubt regarding the calculation of percentages of the CBSE students. Yes you have said that to calculate the percentage we have to multiply the CGPA with 9.5. So for example if a person with CGPA 9.8 we can calculate the percentage by multiplying 9.8 and 9.5. If so what can a person do if he has a full A1 so that his CGPA is 10.0. When we multiply 10.0 and 9.5 we get a result of 95. That 95 is common for all the students who have secured A1 in all subjects. So what will be the percentage of a student who has scored the very highest mark with full A1? What if he or she has lost only one or two marks in any of the subjects. Will percentage remain the same for this student too?
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