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Install NowCBSE Circular on SA-1 Exam in CBSE schools will be conducted in second week of September 2016 and question papers will be set by CBSE itself. Schools will have to download two set of question papers from CBSE website (www.cbseitms.nic.in) using their login ID and password and the same will be served to the students.
CBSE Circular on SA-1 Exam
If any school wish to prepare own question paper, it has to be sent for approval to CBSE in advance. No school will be allowed to frame own question papers without prior approval from CBSE, New Delhi.
The first Summative Assessment (SA–I) for this academic session for classes IX and X will be conducted 14th September, 2016 onwards. Every School, Sahodaya cluster or City may design its own date sheet for classes IX and X School Based Examination accordingly.
CBSE Circular on SA-1 Exam
Major points in this circular are as below:
- As in practice, the Summative Assessment–I will be in the form of a pen-paper test conducted by the schools themselves.
- The Syllabus and the design of the Examination Question Paper for different subjects of classes IX and X Summative Assessment I will be the same as available on the CBSE-Academic website
- In order to ensure standards, the Board will support schools to generate online question papers in the following major subjects:
- English Communicative (Code No. 101)
- English Language & Literature (Code No. 184)
- Hindi Course A (Code No. 002)
- Hindi Course B (Code No. 085)
- Mathematics (Code No. 041)
- Science (Code No. 086)
- Social Science (Code No. 087)
- Communicative Sanskrit (Code No. 122)
With respect to other subjects/languages, the schools will administer their own question paper.
Each school will be provided with two sets of unique question papers generated through online ITMS system.
The school may either:
- pick up one question paper out of 2 for each subject downloaded by the school from ITMS.
- mix and match the two question papers downloaded by the school from ITMS.
- prepare their own question papers as per design available on CBSE Academic website.
However, in case the school prepares its own question papers, the question papers and marking scheme so prepared should be emailed to the Board (email id: summative.exam@cbsemail.in) for verification within a week of conduct of the respective paper.
The complete circular is available here for download.
myCBSEguide has added lots of SA-1 sample question papers here for classes 9 and 10. These term-I sample papers are available for free download. The myCBSEguide android app includes sample papers, last year papers and key notes for SA-1 examination.

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