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CBSE Board Result 2015 Examination Result

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CBSE Board Result 2015

CBSE Board Result 2015, CBSE Board examination result for class-10 and class-12 is set to declare in second half of May 2015. It is expected in forth week of May 2015. Last year class-10 result was declared on 26th May and class-12 result was declared on 28th May, 2014.

CBSE Board Result 2015


CBSE Board Result 2015

CBSE Exam Results

Class XII Exam Results 2015

To be announced on May 25, 2015 at 12:00 Hrs.

CBSE Exam Results

Class X Exam Results 2015

To be announced on May 27, 2015 at 12:00 Hrs

CBSE Board Result 2015

This year number of candidates appearing in CBSE class-10 Board examination, increased by 3.37%. Total 1373853 students appeared in CBSE class-10 examination. The re is minor increase in class-12 board candidates this year. Last year total 1029874 students appeared in CBSE class-XII examination and this year it raised to 1040368 students.

CBSE Board Result 2015


Online Admit Cards for regular students have been made available for students appearing in 2015 examinations.
Value Based Questions in all major subjects for classes X and XII up to 3-5 marks will be included. The questions will be based on content and analysed on the basis of the values they reflect.
Value based Sample Question Papers (SQP)
Sample Questions based on values in the subject English (Elective), English (Core), English (Functional), Hindi (Elective), Hindi (Core), Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Accountancy, History, Geography, Business Studies, Entrepreneurship and Economics for Board Examination for Class XII, March 2015 are available on the CBSE website.
Sample questions including questions based on values in the subject Hindi (A), Hindi (B), English (Communicative), English (Language and Literature), Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences for Summative Assessment-II March 2015 Class X are available on the CBSE website.

CBSE Board Result 2015

Class X
The Scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) :
Scheme 1– there shall be no Board Examination at Secondary (Class X) level for students studying in the schools affiliated to the Board who do not wish to move out of the CBSE system after Class X.
Every School, Sahodaya Cluster or City may design its own date sheet for classes IX and X School Based Examination accordingly.
SA-II to be conducted by the school:-
a) Online Question Papers will be sent from 03rd March 2015.
b) Examination will be conducted from 10th March onwards.
c) Online Marking Scheme will be made available from 17th March 2015.

Scheme 2 – is applicable to those students from affiliated schools who wish to move out of the CBSE system after Class X (Pre-University, Vocational course, Change of Board etc). Such students are required to take the Board’s External Examination at Secondary (Class X) level.
Question papers and Marking Scheme will be prepared by the CBSE and evaluation will be carried out by the Board through External Examiners.

CBSE Board Result 2015

For Scheme-II, examination would commence from 2nd March, 2015 and would conclude on 26th March, 2015.
The Final term II Examination will be based on Term-II syllabus only. The question papers for Class X would be as per design. Content coverage for both types of question papers (Board/School Based) would be the same.
For Classes IX and X (Scheme 1) for Summative Assessment-II question paper will be sent online through Integrated Test Management System (ITMS). Each school has to register school name with a user name and password and complete registration through CBSE website.
A uniform certificate will be issued to all the candidates by the Board, whether appearing under Scheme-II (Board based) or Scheme-I (School Based) Summative Assessment-II.
Schools have been asked to upload total assessment of Class–IX Formative & Summative and Class-X Formative & Summative for which the downloadable software has been provided by the board.
Problem Solving Assessment was conducted on 20th November, 2014 for classes IX & XI by the Board with the objectives of assessing students’ abilities to analyse given life situations, to comprehend and interpret written text and other essential higher order thinking skills.

CBSE Board Result 2015

Open Text-Based Assessment
The Board conducts Open Text-based Assessment for classes IX and XI, to incorporate analytical and theoretical skills.
i) Open Text based Assessment (OTBA) for Class IX (SA-II) is conducted in all the main subjects Hindi, English, Mathematics Science, Social Science.
ii) For Class XI it is held in Economics, Biology and Geography (annual exams)
The schools have been supplied with open text material before the commencement of class IX Summative Assessment II and class XI annual exams.
Textual material is in the form of articles / a case study, / a story, /problem/situation based on the concepts taught in the unit assigned in the curriculum for the OTBA question to the students during second term (class IX) and during the session (Class XI).
A total weightage of 10 marks has been assigned in all the main subjects (Class IX) and Economics, Biology, Geography in Class XI and may also include Value Based Questions.

CBSE Board Result 2015

Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills (ASL)
Weightage of 20% in Formative and Summative Assessments is assigned for the Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills. The Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills is done at the term-end examination in Summative Assessment-I and II. Schools have been asked to conduct ASL as per the guidelines provided by the CBSE. However, assessment of these skills may also be done under the formative activities spread over two terms.
Ist Phase CBSE Tele- Counselling from 2nd February to 20th April 2015
Tele counselling is offered by trained counselors and Principals from within CBSE affiliated schools located in and outside India. It is a voluntary, free of cost service provided by the participants.
This year 74 Principals, trained counsellors from CBSE affiliated government and private schools and few psychologists are participate in Tele-Counselling and address exam related psychological problems of the students. 62 of them are available in India while 12 are located in Nepal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Al Khobar, Sultnate of Oman, Jeddah), UAE (Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah) and Kuwait.The details are as mentioned hereunder:

CBSE Board Result 2015

1. Centralized Toll Free Access in India
Students can dial a toll free number 1800 11 8004 from any part of the country which will give centralized access to CBSE helpline. While the general queries will be answered by the operators, students will be connected to the principals or counselors in case of exam related anxiety or stress.
Counselling for Specially Able Children
For the sixth year CBSE has arranged to provide counselling to specially able children to take care of the needs and anxiety of special children.
CBSE experts answered queries of students through weekly question answer columns published in national newspapers like The Hindustan Times (HT Horizon-Education), The Hindu, Malyalam Manorama and Amar Ujala during the month of February.
For On-line counselling [email protected] and [email protected] can also be contacted.
Information related to examinations and techniques to cope with exam related anxiety is also provided at the CBSE website www.cbse.nic.in through micro link-Helpline.

CBSE Board Result 2015

Preparations for smooth conduct of examinations
(i) The centre material has been dispatched to all the examination centers.
(ii) The sealed question paper packets will be opened in the presence of at least four Asstt. Superintendents-one of them would be from the school other than the examination centre as a witness.
(iii) Admit cards have been downloaded by all Schools.
(iv) Appointment of full time observers at sensitive centres in Delhi and outside has been completed.
(v) The Board has also finalized the arrangement with the State machinery, local police to ensure trouble free examinations throughout the country.

CBSE Board Result 2015

(vi) Center Supdt.(s) have been asked to approach the local police authorities for ensuring that adequate police force is made available at the place of custody of the question papers and the examination centre. The State law enforcing agencies have also been requested to provide adequate police force at the place of custody of question papers and the examination centres.
(vii) Scanned photographs of Private candidates have been provided on admission cards to avoid impersonation or any other possible use of unfair means.
(viii) CBSE has a 3 tier arrangement for surprise checking:
a) CBSE flying squads
b) Flying squads from Directorate of Education, Delhi
c) Special observers from outside.
(ix) Observers to oversee the conduct of practical examination for class XII have been appointed this year also.
(x) Chief Nodal Practical Supervisors have been appointed this year also to monitor the proper conduct of practical examinations for class XII.
(xi) District level committees were constituted to suggest schools with adequate infrastructure for fixing up of examination centres. This will facilitate smooth conduct of examinations outside Delhi.

CBSE Board Result 2015

For private candidates appearing from Delhi Region
Intimation letters to all the private candidates appearing for class X & XII examination 2015 have been sent. Private candidates may collect admit card from the examination centre mentioned in their intimation letter. In case intimation letter is not received, it may be printed from CBSE website www.cbse.nic.in and admit card may be collected on production of the same at the examination centre.
Observation Schedules: To give fair deal to the question papers and redress genuine grievances of the students, observation schedules have been sent to all the schools to record and forward their suggestions within 24 hours of the conduct of examination of concerned subject conducted by the Board so that these can be considered by the expert group while preparing the marking schemes.

CBSE Board Result 2015

Mandatory evaluation: Teachers selected for evaluation work have to report on the appointed date and time failing which a mention will be made in their annual records. Non-release of teachers by any school may lead to withholding the result of the defaulting institution. The Board may also consider and initiate disaffiliation proceedings. However, those extending willing and effective cooperation will also find a mention in their personal records.
Exemptions given to Spastic, Visually Impaired candidates, Physically Handicapped, Autistic, Dyslexic and candidates with disabilities as defined in the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995:-

CBSE Board Result 2015

1. Exemption from studying third language up to middle school level (i.e. Class VIII);
2. At Secondary School level a candidate has an option to opt for one language and any four of the following electives.
Mathematics, Science, Social Science, another Language, Music, Painting, Home Science, Foundation of Information Technology, Commerce (Elements of Commerce) and Commerce (Elements of Book Keeping and Accountancy)
3. permission to use a scribe; Autistic candidates have been permitted adult prompter.
4. A person to be appointed as scribe should not have obtained his/her qualifications in the same subjects(s) in which the candidate shall be appearing for the examination.

CBSE Board Result 2015

5. The candidate shall have the discretion of opting for his own scribe and shall have the flexibility in accommodating change in scribe in case of emergency. Candidate shall also have the option of meeting the scribe a day before the examination. The Centre Superintendent of the examination centre concerned shall forward to the Regional Officer concerned of the Board, a report giving full particulars of the candidate and of the scribe.
6. the services of scribe are provided free of cost;
7. the scribe shall be paid remuneration as prescribed from time to time by the Board, which at present is Rs.100/- per day;
8. the candidate may be permitted to use the services of a scribe in all or any of the papers.
9. the candidate may be permitted to draw the diagrams etc. themselves, if desired by them.
10. Differently abled candidates appearing for X or XII examination shall be allowed additional time as given below:
(i) 60 minutes for a paper of 3 hours duration.
(ii) 50 minutes for a paper of 2 ½ hours duration
(iii) 40 minutes for a paper of 2 hours duration
(iv) 30 minutes for a paper of 1 ½ hours duration

CBSE Board Result 2015

11. the Centre Superintendent shall make the seating arrangements for differently abled candidates on the ground floor, as far as possible;
12. alternative type questions are provided in lieu of questions having visual inputs for the Visually impaired candidates in English Communicative and Social Science for Class X and History, Geography, Economics and Political Science for Class XII;
13. For 2015 examination also like last year, separate question papers in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics for Class XII will also be provided without visual input for Visually impaired candidates.
14. Question papers of Mathematics and Science in Braille are provided in Class X for Visually impaired candidates.
15. separate question papers in enlarged print for Mathematics and Science in Class X are provided for candidates having visual impairment;
16. the Centre Superintendent(s) are directed to send the answer books of differently abled candidates in separate covers to the Regional Office concerned;
17. to facilitate easy access, a few selected schools are made examination centres for special students;
18. Teachers from blind schools are appointed as Assistant Superintendent(s)(Invigilators) at the special examination centres. However, precaution be taken to appoint different subject teachers on different days;
19. a separate column has been provided on the title page of the answer book for indicating the category of differently abled candidates so that these answer books could be segregated for sending them separately to the Regional Office of the Board.
20. It is not mandatory for these candidates to do the calculations themselves.
Results for Class X & XII are likely to be declared in the month of May, 2015.

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