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CBSE Board Exam 2025 Guidelines

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CBSE has issued detailed guidelines under Exam Ethics for upcoming board exams 2025. All students, parents and teachers must go through the CBSE Board Exam 2025 Guidelines. It is something that can affect your academic career. So, we advise you all to read them all line by line.

CBSE Board Exam 2025 Guidelines

Instructions to Schools

CBSE has issued some instructions to schools for the smooth conducting of the exam. There are

  1. Schools must read the Unfair Means guidelines and penalties that can be imposed.
  2. They should brief the students about examination ethics and the penalties. Also inform them that they should not believe rumors and not indulge themselves in spreading rumors affecting smooth conduct of examinations.
  3. They should also brief the parent also about examination ethics and the penalties.
  4. Thye must remind the student on the day of examination also to ensure that they are not carrying any barred item to the examination centre.
  5. It is the responsibility of the school to deployed officials on examination duty be also briefed.

CCTV in Examination Centres

The CBSE has introduced a comprehensive CCTV Policy to ensure enhanced security and transparency during examinations. As part of this initiative, all Examination Rooms and Halls across every Examination Centre are equipped with CCTV cameras. This system aims to maintain strict vigilance throughout the examination process. To oversee the monitoring of these cameras, an Assistant Superintendent (CCTV Monitoring) is designated at each centre.

Their primary responsibility is to manage and supervise the live CCTV footage to promptly address any irregularities or malpractice. This policy not only deters unethical practices but also promotes a fair and secure environment for students. By leveraging technology, CBSE ensures that the examination process is conducted smoothly, adhering to high standards of integrity and accountability. The presence of CCTV cameras underscores the Board’s commitment to fostering trust and maintaining discipline at all Examination Centres.

Permitted Items in Examination Hall

Following CBSE Board Exam 2025 Guidelines, students appearing for CBSE examinations must adhere to the list of permitted items to ensure a smooth and organized process. Regular students must carry their Admit Card along with their School Identity Card, while private students are required to bring their Admit Card along with any government-issued photo identity proof. Stationery items should be limited to essentials, including a transparent pouch, a geometry or pencil box, blue or royal blue ink pens, ballpoint pens, gel pens, a scale, a writing pad, and an eraser. Additionally, students are allowed to carry an analogue watch for time management and a transparent water bottle for hydration. For ease of travel, items like metro cards, bus passes, and a reasonable amount of money are also permitted. These guidelines are designed to maintain uniformity, prevent unauthorized materials, and provide students with the necessary tools and resources for the examination.


  1. Admit Card, School Identity Card (for regular students)
  2. Admit Card, Any Govt. Issued Photo Identity Proof (for Pvt. Students)
  3. Stationery items i.e., Transparent Pouch, Geometry/Pencil Box, Blue/Royal Blue Ink/Ball Point/Gel Pen, Scale, Writing Pad, Eraser,
  4. Analogue Watch, Transparent Water Bottle.
  5. Metro Card, Bus Pass, Money.

Barred Items in Examination Hall

Here is the list of barred items in the examination hall during CBSE board exams as per CBSE Board Exam 2025 Guidelines.


  1. Any stationery item – such as textual material (printed or written), bits of papers, Calculator (Students with Learning Disability i.e. Dyscalculia are permitted to use Calculator as per Circular No. CBSE/COORD/2020 dated 20.01.2020 and are provided the same by Exam centre), Pen Drives, Calculator, Log Table (shall be provided by the centres), Electronic Pen/ Scanner, etc.
  2. Any communication device – such as Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone, Pager, Health Band, Smart Watch, Camera, etc.
  3. Other items like Wallet, Goggles, Handbags, Pouches, etc.
  4. Any eatable item opened or packed, except for diabetic students
  5. Any other item which could be used for unfair means
  6. Use of the above or similar items will be treated under the “Unfair Means” category and will attract punishment as per rules.

CBSE Board Exam 2025 Guidelines

CBSE has made different categories based on the CBSE Board Exam 2025 Guidelines. Let us discuss all of them one by one.

Unfair means – Category – 1

If a student is found involved in any of the following activities, it may lead to cancellation of the current Examination in the concerned subject. You shall be allowed to take the Examination in that Subject in the Compartment examination if you are otherwise eligible. The benefit of the doubt shall be given to such student against whom no evidence is available to testify to the foul intents on their part.

  • Having Question Papers of previous years.
  • Writing Questions or Answers on any material other than the Answer Book for writing answer.
  • Tearing of any page of the answer book or supplementary answer book etc.
  • Contacting or communicating or trying to do so with any person, other than the Examination Staff, during the examination time in the examination centre.
  • Having copying material (hard copy etc.) in her/his possession but have not use it.
  • Breaching examination rules or any direction issued by CBSE from time to time, in connection with the conduct of Examinations.

Unfair means – Category – 2

Category 2 violations carry stricter penalties, including the cancellation of the current examination across all subjects. Students found guilty will be required to retake the examination for all subjects in the following year. These measures emphasize the seriousness of maintaining discipline and integrity during examinations. The policy ensures that such violations are dealt with firmly to uphold fairness and transparency in the evaluation process, serving as a deterrent for malpractice and reinforcing the importance of ethical conduct among students.

  • Affixing/uploading of fabricated photograph on the Admit Card.
  • Erasing or obliterating any information printed on the Answer Book(s).
  • Providing wrong information on the answer sheet.
  • Having communicated with another student or the Assistant Superintendent directly or indirectly.
  • Having copying material in her/his possession (hard copy etc.) and having used it.
  • Assisting other student to engage in malpractice.
  • Giving assistance to other student(s) directly or indirectly of any kind or attempting to do so.
  • Taking assistance from other student(s) directly or indirectly of any kind or attempting to do so.

Unfair means – Category – 3

In Category 3 violations may result in the cancellation of both the current and the following year’s examinations in all subjects. Students found guilty will be required to retake the examination for all subjects only in the subsequent year. This strict penalty underscores the importance of maintaining integrity during examinations and serves as a strong deterrent against malpractice, ensuring a fair and transparent evaluation process for all candidates.

  • Taking away the Answer Book out of the Examination Hall/Room/Centre.
  • Smuggling out Question Paper or part thereof, out of the Examination Hall.
  • Smuggling out Answer Books/Supplementary Answer Sheet or part thereof, out of the Examination Hall.
  • Possession, use or attempted use of any electronic device (including Mobile Phone), which can be used as communication device, after entering the examination centre.
  • Using abusive language, threatening the staff on duty.
  • Indulging in violence at the time of examination or thereafter in the examination center.
  • Forceful entry/exit in/from Examination Centre or Hall.

Unfair means – Category – 4

Unfair Means – Category 4 violations carry the most severe penalties. They result in the cancellation of the current examination as well as examinations for the next three years in all subjects. Students found guilty will only be allowed to retake the examination for all subjects after this period. This strict enforcement highlights the critical importance of ethical conduct and discipline in maintaining the integrity of the examination process and serves as a strong deterrent against malpractice.

  • Impersonation. Paying/placing/making someone else to write examination.
  • Uploading/sharing any examination related material, correct or wrong, on social media.
  • Approaching any Authority(ies)/person(s) related to the conduct of exams soliciting unauthorized privilege(s) in these Examinations.
  • Taking legal course or any other means to influence CBSE for gaining advantage in their favour, by providing false information.

Unfair means – Category – 5

The following actions constitute serious violations during examinations and are addressed by the Unfair Means (UFM) Committee:

  • Use of Obscene or Derogatory Language: Writing inappropriate or offensive remarks in the answer book.
  • Threatening Language: Using threatening language directed at evaluators in the answer book, with or without an appeal.
  • Self-Harm Threats: Mentioning harm to oneself in the answer book, with or without an appeal.
  • Improper Writing Materials: Using unauthorized ink or pencil for writing answers.
  • Enclosing Currency Notes: Attaching currency notes or similar instruments in the answer book, with or without an appeal or message for the evaluator.

In such cases, the UFM Committee provides counseling to the student, ensuring they refrain from such behavior in future examinations. Any currency notes found are forfeited and deposited in the Board’s account.

How to study for Exams

The above guidelines and restrictions are straightforward, leaving you with the best option to focus on thorough exam preparation. To excel, practice CBSE Sample Papers regularly and make use of CBSE Revision Notes for effective revision. Additionally, reviewing Previous Year Question Papers can provide valuable insights into the exam format and difficulty level, helping you build confidence and improve your performance. Consistent practice and revision are key to achieving your best in the examinations.

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