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Install NowAgriculture Class 8 Geography Important Questions. myCBSEguide has just released Chapter Wise Question Answers for class 8 Social Science. There chapter wise Practice Questions with complete solutions are available for download in myCBSEguide website and mobile app. These Extra Questions with solution are prepared by our team of expert teachers who are teaching grade in CBSE schools for years. There are around 4-5 set of solved Geography Extra questions from each and every chapter. The students will not miss any concept in these Chapter wise question that are specially designed to tackle Exam. We have taken care of every single concept given in CBSE Class 8 Social Science syllabus and questions are framed as per the latest marking scheme and blue print issued by CBSE for Class 8.
CBSE Class 8 Geography Extra Questions
Chapter 4 Class 8 Geography Extra Questions
- From the following, which one best describes the Secondary economic activities
- Process that that includes all those connected with extraction and production of natural resources like Agriculture, mining etc
- Process that involves products of activities connected with the extraction and production of natural resources like Baking of bread, making of cloth etc
- Activities that help the primary and secondary economic activities through service, transport etc.
- Process of engaging maximum population in a particular economic activity
- Which among the following are fibre crops?
- Millets and Maize
- Jute and cotton
- Tea and Coffee
- Rice and Wheat
- Name the type of farming practiced to meet the needs of the farmer’s family?
- Commercial Farming
- Mixed Farming
- Plantation agriculture
- Subsistence Farming
- Which crop is also known as the Golden Fibre.
- Wheat
- Millets
- Jute
- Maize
- The efforts made to increase farm production in order to meet the growing demand of increasing population is called ____________
- Agricultural Quotient
- Agricultural Degeneration
- Agricultural development
- Agricultural Index
Match the following:
(i) Golden fibre (a) Wheat (ii) China (b) Jute (iii) Loamy soil (c) Millets (iv) Sandy soil (d) Rice Fill in the blanks:
- _________ is the staple diet of tropical and sub-tropical regions.
- Wheat is grown in ________ season in India.
- ________ means commercial rearing of silk worms.
- _________ includes growing of vegetables, flowers and fruits for commercial use.
State True or False:
- Manufacturing wool is a tertiary activity.
- Rice is the main crop in intensive subsistence agriculture.
- Cotton and jute are beverage crops.
- Jowar, bajra, ragi and sorghum form a group known maize.
In what sorts of areas are agricultural activities concentrated?
- In the USA, the farmer usually resides in the farm.
Explain how intensive subsistence farming is done?
In which kind of regions coffee is grown?
Soil preparation is one of the types of agricultural practices. What do you understand by soil preparation?
- Process that involves products of activities connected with the extraction and production of natural resources like Baking of bread, making of cloth etc
Explanation: Primary activities include all those connected with extraction and production of natural resources. Agriculture, fishing and gathering are good examples. Secondary activities are concerned with the processing of these resources. Manufacturing of steel, baking of bread and weaving of cloth are examples of this activity
- Jute and cotton, Explanation:
- Cotton requires high temperature, light rainfall, two hundred and ten frost-free days and bright sunshine for its growth. It grows best on black and alluvial soils. China, USA, India, Pakistan, Brazil and Egypt are the leading producers of cotton. It is one of the main raw materials for the cotton textile industry.
- Jute was also known as the ‘Golden Fibre’. It grows well on alluvial soil and requires high temperature, heavy rainfall and humid climate. This crop is grown in the tropical areas. India and Bangladesh are the leading producers of jute.
- Subsistence Farming, Explanation: Subsistence Farming is practised to meet the needs of the farmer’s family. Traditionally, low levels of technology and household labour are used to produce on small output. Subsistence farming can be further classified as intensive subsistence and primitive subsistence farming.
- Jute, Explanation: Jute was also known as the ‘Golden Fibre’. It grows well on alluvial soil and requires high temperature, heavy rainfall and humid climate. This crop is grown in the tropical areas. India and Bangladesh are the leading producers of jute.
- Agricultural development, Explanation: Agricultural Development refers to efforts made to increase farm production in order to meet the growing demand of increasing population. This can be achieved in many ways such as increasing the cropped area, the number of crops grown, improving irrigation facilities, use of fertilisers and high yielding variety of seeds. Mechanisation of agriculture is also another aspect of agricultural development.
- Golden fibre – (b) Jute
- China – (d) Rice
- Loamy soil – (a) Wheat
- Sandy soil – (c) Millets
- Rice is the staple diet of tropical and sub-tropical regions.
- Wheat is grown in winter season in India.
- Sericulture means commercial rearing of silk worms.
- Horticulture includes growing of vegetables, flowers and fruits for commercial use.
- False ii. True iii. False iv. False
- Process that involves products of activities connected with the extraction and production of natural resources like Baking of bread, making of cloth etc
- Agricultural activities are concentrated in those areas of the world which have suitable conditions of growing crops.
- True
- In intensive subsistence farming, the farmer cultivates a small plot of land using simple tools and more labour. Rice is the main crop which is produced under this farming.
- Coffee requires warm and wet climate and well-drained loamy soil. Hill slopes are more suitable for the growth of this crop.
- Soil preparation involves a loosening of the soil or turning it. This process enables the roots to penetrate easily. It aerates the roots by providing the air trapped in between the particles of soil. It also provides favourable conditions for the growth of worms and microorganisms which increase the fertility of the soil.
Some tools used in agricultural practices are given below.- Ploughs are used for tilling the soil, adding manure and fertilisers and for scrapping the soil.
- Leveller is used for levelling the soil in order to prevent it from soil erosion. A plank is used to break the crumbs into fine soil.
- Hoe was used for tilling in olden days, but these days, we use it only to remove weeds. Cultivator pulled by a tractor is also used to break the soil.
Chapter Wise Extra Questions for Class 8 Social Science

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