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Why is it important for our country to keep the mill sector loans lower than powerloom and handloom
  • 2 answers

Pooja Yadav 9 months, 2 weeks ago

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Lakshithsaran R.S. 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Hint: The yarn eaten by a certain mode of production in the cotton and textile industry is called loomage. Complete yarn consumed by mills is called mill loomage. Power and hand looming refer to the total yarn consumed respectively by these modes of development. Complete answer: In India, as the latter are used by the cottage industries, it is important to keep the mill industry lower than the powerloom and handloom.Significant numbers of people in the rural areas are working by powerloom and handloom. It is one of the key origins of their life. Thus, if industrial production increases, it will impact the livelihood of many families in their homes who work on power looms and handlooms. Unemployment and hunger would also result from it. The industrial or mill loomage is often held lower than the power looms and the handlooms, in order to prevent such circumstances and to make rural people self-sufficient. They provide the financially deprived sections of society with revenue. The individual weavers who rely on power looms and handlooms for their sustenance will be out of work if the mill sector absorbs more yarn. Holding the loomage of the mill industry low allows poor weavers to gain and meet the competition with mass goods. Power and handling would help provide jobs in rural areas and minimise villagers' migration to the cities. Note: In India, more than 4.3 million people are directly or indirectly employed by the handling industry. 95 percent of the world's handwoven fabrics contribute to India's handloom. The people of the Harappan civilization, according to some archaeological findings, knew how to weave and spin. And that was 4,000+ years ago

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