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112 A,B,C AND D HW SECTION A READING I. Read the following text(12 M)1. There are two types of diabetes, insulin-dependent, andnon-insulin-dependent. Between 90-95% of the estimated 13-14 million people in the United States with diabetes have non-insulin-dependent, or Type 2 diabetes. Because this form of diabetes usually begins in adults over the age of 40, it is called adult-onset diabetes. Its symptoms often develop gradually, and are hard to identify at first; therefore, nearly halfof all people with diabetes do not know they have it. This can be particularly dangerousbecause untreated diabetes can cause damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves. While the causes, short-term effects and treatments of the two types of diabetes differ, both types can cause the same long-term health problems.2. What causes Type 2 diabetes? There is no simple answerto this question. While eating sugar, for instance, doesn't cause diabetes, it only causes weight gain. Scientists do not fully understand why obesity increases someone's chances of developing diabetes but they believe obesity is a major factor leading to Type 2 diabetes.3. Age, ***, weight, physical activity, diet, lifestyle and family health history, all affect someone's chances of developing Type 2 diabetes.Experts now know that diabetes common in African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Native Hawaiians than in white people. While the chances of developing diabetes increase with age, gender isn't a risk factor.4. Both types affect the body's ability to use digested food for energy. Diabetes does not interfere with digestion but it does prevent the body from using glucose (commonly known as sugar) for energy. After a meal, the normal digestive system breaks food down into glucose. The blood carries the glucose or sugar throughout the body, causing blood glucose levels to rise, In response to this rise, the hormone insulin is released intothebloodstream whichsignals the body tissues to burn the glucose for fuel, which causes blood glucose levels to return to normal. The glucosethat the body does not use right away is stored in the liver, muscle or fat.5. In both tvpes of diabetes, however, this normal process malfunctions. A gland called the pancreas, found just behind the stomach, makes insulin. In people with insulin-dependent diabetes, the pancreas does notproduce insulin at all so they take daily insulin injections to survive. This condition usually begins in childhood and is known as Type 1 diabetes.6. In sone cases, people with non-insulin-dependent diabetes usually produce some insulin in their pancreas but their bodies' tissues do not respond well to the insulin signal and therefore do not metabolise the glucose properly, a condition known as insulin resistance.7. There's no cure for diabetes yet. However, there are ways to alleviate its symptoms. In 1986, a National Institute of Health panel of experts recommended that the best treatment for non-insulin-dependent diabetes is a diet that helps one maintain a normal weight and pays 2particular attention to a proper balance of the different food groups. Many experts, includingthose in the American Diabetes Association, recommend a diet wherein 50-60% of daily calories come from carbohydrates, 12-20% from protein, and no more than 30% from fat.Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.i.Select the option that mentions what people suffering from Type 1 diabetesshould/should not do1(a) not take insulin injections daily to survive(b) take insulin injections daily to survive(c) take insulin injections weekly to survive(d) take insulin injections daily to survive(ii) The writer would not agree with the following statement EXCEPT1(a) Both types of diabetes affect the body's ability to use digested food for energy.b) Pancreas does not make insulin.(c) Type 1 diabetes is more common.(d) There exists a cure for diabetes.(iii) State the major function(s) of insulin as mentioned in the passage.1(iv) Complete the given sentence with an appropriate inference with respect to thefollowing.1The best way for treating non-insulin diabetes focuses on maintaining a normalweight and eating a ....(v) Select the option that conveys the opposite of 'increase' from words used in thelast paragraph.1(a) Panel(b) Rich(c) Alleviate (d) maintain(vi) Justify the following statement.2Insulin resistance is a problem commonly found in non-insulin-dependentdiabetes.Answer in about 40 words.vii) What do you think is common between both types of diabetes?2viii) State the correlation between Type-II diabetes and age in about 40 words.2(ix) Select a suitable title for th
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