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Were the post office employees indeed …



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Were the post office employees indeed a bunch of crooks is your opinion different from that of lenchos Why
  • 2 answers

_Jass_ Mahey_ 1 year, 10 months ago

The post master was impressed by lencho faith in God. He collected seventy - pasio and sent it for lencho. But when lencho counted the money , he was angry. He had asked God for hundred pesos . He could never believe that God har made a mistake. He was surten that the post office people had taken the money . So, the wrote another letter to God. He requested God to send him the rest of the money. But he added , "don't send it through the mail . The post office employees are a bunch of crooks

Rudranshi Pandey 1 year, 10 months ago

No, according to me the office employees weren't a bunch of crooks instead they were kind enough to not shake the faith of Lencho. They all contributed pesos for Lencho but he was really ungrateful to doubt them.

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