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Solve case study Use the Cornell …



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Solve case study Use the Cornell note taking method to make notes of the following passage Everyone needs a holiday, both to relax and to have a change of environment. The holidaymakers feel relaxed and refreshed at the end of the holiday and look forward to the resumption of their duties, be it at school, office, or factories, with renewed vigour. This is the reason why all establishments grant their employees annual leave. With the end of the academic year, the schools and universities grant their pupils a long holiday during mid-summer. This lasts until early September when the new school term starts. Of course, the parents will like to take advantage of this and take their leave to coincide with the children’s vacations. This has become a traditional holiday season in most European countries, particularly in England. With the coming of August, the traditional holiday season in Britain reaches its peak point and most of the holiday resorts are packed to capacity. In order to avoid the crowd, some prefer to take their holiday a little earlier if facilities so warrant. Those who have already taken their holidays can console themselves not only with reflections on the happy days spent in the country, at the seaside or abroad but also with the thought that holiday expenses are over for the year and that by taking an earlier holiday they have missed the August rush.
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Pramodh R 2 years, 2 months ago


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