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he following table shows some data …



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he following table shows some data about temperatures recorded in summers at five different locations in a schoolyard. Study the information carefully and then summarise it in the form of an analytical paragraph. Make comparisons and draw conclusions wherever appropriate.
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Preeti Dabral 2 years, 2 months ago

The climate of India comprises a wide range of weather conditions across a vast geographic scale and varied topography, making generalizations difficult. Climate in Other southern countries is generally hotter than other northern countries. Most parts of the nation doesn't experience temperatures below 10 degree Celsius in winter, and the temperature usually tends to exceed 40 degree Celsius during summer. The country's meteorological department follows the international standard of four seasons with some local adjustments: winter (January and February), summer (March, April and May), monsoon (rainy) season (June to September), and a post-monsoon period (October to December). Some of the states in India exceed above 40 degree Celsius. In Srinagar the maximum temperature is 24 degree Celsius and minimum temperature is 11 degree Celsius. In Delhi the maximum temperature is 41 degree Celsius and minimum temperature is 28 degree Celsius. In Patna maximum temperature is 43 degree Celsius and minimum temperature is 25 degree Celsius. In Guwahail the maximum temperature is 36 degree Celsius and the minimum temperature is 26 degree Celsius. In kolkata the maximum temperature is 38 degree Celsius and the minimum temperature is 23 degree Celsius. In Jaipur the maximum temperature is 42 degree Celsius and the minimum temperature is 23 degree Celsius. In Ahmadabad the maximum temperature is 43 degree Celsius and the minimum temperature is 27 degree Celsius. In Bhopal the maximum temperature is 42 degree Celsius and the minimum temperature is 24 degree Celsius. In Mumbai the maximum temperature is 36 degree Celsius and the minimum temperature is 27 degree Celsius. In Hyderabad the maximum temperature is 41 degree Celsius and the minimum temperature is 26 degree Celsius. In Bangalore the maximum temperature is 36 degree Celsius and the minimum temperature is 22 degree Celsius. In Chennai the maximum degree Celsius is 35 degree Celsius and the minimum temperature is 27 degree Celsius. In Thiruvananthapuram the maximum temperature is 32 degree Celsius and the minimum degree Celsius is 26 degree Celsius.

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