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Briefly explain the four forms of …



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Briefly explain the four forms of business organization based on ownership?
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Sai Priyadarshi 2 years, 11 months ago

1. Sole Proprietorship:– This is the traditional and popular form of business organization. Its formation is simple, and the owner controls the complete operations of a business and is liable for all financial burdens and debts. A long as they are the only owner, they have the right to operate any category of business. These businesses operations include. •Shop or retail business. •Home-based company. •Individual consulting firm. 2. Partnership:– In partnership, two or more individuals come together to start a business. Each individual gives their share of capital, property, employment or experience, and expects some profits or losses from the business share. All the partners must report their percentage of share on the tax return even if it’s not distributed. In a partnership business, partners are not defined as employees, so taxes are not retained from any distributions. 3. Corporation:– It is the most complicated business structures because it adds more laws and tax claims. Corporations are established under the laws of each state and are subjected to all the corporate income tax. All the profits issued to shareholders as dividends are taxed as per the individual tax rates on their private annual tax returns. Under this structure, the corporation is displayed as an entity that manages the duties of a business. Similar to a person, the corporation is taxed and held responsible if the company is liable for any legal action. In simple words, if a business is registered under a corporation, then the owner is not personally responsible for its debts (however, this situation differs according to the state law). 4. ‘S’ Corporation:– The ‘S’ Corporation is a variety of a standard corporation. The ‘S’ corporation authorise profit or losses to be transferred to individual tax returns. 5. Limited Liability Company (LLC):– This is a new form of business structure and gained its popularity in the short-term because the owner has limited individual liability for the debts and actions of the LLC. It had similar features like a partnership such as administration flexibility and the advantage of passing the taxation. The proprietor of LLC is known as members as they can include many, corporations, additional LLC and foreign entities.

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