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Explain the features of great bath …



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Explain the features of great bath in harappan civilization?
  • 2 answers

Tenzin Sangyal 4 years, 11 months ago

- swimming pool measuring of 12×7 and about 3 meter deep. - having six entrance. - central pool surrounded by galleries, small bathroom and dressing room. - also used for religious purpose.

Yogita Ingle 4 years, 11 months ago

The Great Bath—a rectangular structure which resembled a swimming pool—was an important structure at Mohenjodaro . It was a large complex with six entrances, a central bathing pool, dressing rooms on all sides and an adjacent well.Steps lead to the bottom of the pool from two sides. Water from an adjacent well was used to fill the pool with fresh water, and an outlet in the corner was used to drain dirty water. It was made up of baked bricks and was made watertight with a layer of bitumen or natural tar. The Great Bath was perhaps used by important people on special occasions.

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