Staffing process is the prime function of the management process. It deals with the timely fulfillment of the manpower requirements of the organization.
1 Estimating manpower requirement
Various job positions are created before hiring the staff. Each job position requires to estimate the set of skills like education qualification, experience etc to estimate manpower requirement. Workforce analysis is done to estimate manpower requirement. Workforce analysis includes the number and type of requirement.
2 Recruitment
It is the process of searching for a prospective candidate and stimulate them to apply for the job. it is done to create a pool of respective potential candidate. It is done through the internal and external source of recruitment.
3 Selection
At the time of recruitment, prospective job candidates are chosen for the job position. Selection is done to ensure that the organization chose the best talent. It enhances the self-esteem of the candidate.
4 Placement and Orientation
After the selection, placement is done where the employee occupies the job position. After joining the firm, the staff is given the brief introduction about the company and introduced to the co-workers. It is an orientation process which familiarises the candidate with the job position and company.
5 Training and Development
Firm either have their in-house training centers or has forged alliances with training institutions for training and development of the employees.
6 Performance Appraisal
The organization has some predetermined standard on the basis of which employees are evaluated on current or past performance. So performance appraisal includes defining the job, appraising the performance and providing the feedback.
Yogita Ingle 5 years, 1 month ago
Staffing process is the prime function of the management process. It deals with the timely fulfillment of the manpower requirements of the organization.
1 Estimating manpower requirement
Various job positions are created before hiring the staff. Each job position requires to estimate the set of skills like education qualification, experience etc to estimate manpower requirement. Workforce analysis is done to estimate manpower requirement. Workforce analysis includes the number and type of requirement.
2 Recruitment
It is the process of searching for a prospective candidate and stimulate them to apply for the job. it is done to create a pool of respective potential candidate. It is done through the internal and external source of recruitment.
3 Selection
At the time of recruitment, prospective job candidates are chosen for the job position. Selection is done to ensure that the organization chose the best talent. It enhances the self-esteem of the candidate.
4 Placement and Orientation
After the selection, placement is done where the employee occupies the job position. After joining the firm, the staff is given the brief introduction about the company and introduced to the co-workers. It is an orientation process which familiarises the candidate with the job position and company.
5 Training and Development
Firm either have their in-house training centers or has forged alliances with training institutions for training and development of the employees.
6 Performance Appraisal
The organization has some predetermined standard on the basis of which employees are evaluated on current or past performance. So performance appraisal includes defining the job, appraising the performance and providing the feedback.
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