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Why is axiom 5,in the list …



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Why is axiom 5,in the list of Euclid's axioms, considered a ‘universal truth’? (Note that the question is not about the fifth postulate
  • 1 answers

Sia ? 5 years, 8 months ago

We need to prove that Euclid’s fifth axiom is considered as a universal truth.
Euclid’s fifth axiom states that “the whole is greater than the part.”
The above given axiom is a universal truth. We can apply the fifth axiom not only mathematically but also universally in daily life.
Mathematical proof:
Let us consider a quantity z, which has different parts as a, b, x and y. .
Therefore, we can conclude that z will always be greater than its corresponding parts a, b, x and y.
Universal proof:
We know that Mumbai is located in Maharashtra and Maharashtra is located in India.
In other words, we can conclude that Mumbai is a part of Maharashtra and Maharashtra is a part of India.
Therefore, we can conclude that whole India will be greater than Mumbai or Maharashtra or both.
Therefore, we can conclude that Euclid’s fifth axiom is considered as a ‘Universal truth’.

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