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Character sketch of tricki?



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Character sketch of tricki?
  • 2 answers

Sia ? 5 years, 6 months ago

Tricki was a small dog. His rich mistress pampered him. She loved him like his son. He was given princely luxuries. He had the number of beds, clothes, bowls for different occasions. Due to overfeeding by his mistress he became ugly and fatty. So her mistress took home to a vet. The vet knows the tricki real problem. He knows that Mrs. Pumphrey will not stop overfeeding tricki. Therefore out of concern, he took the dog. Mrs. Pumphrey fed him all favorite dishes. This overindulgence made tricki fat and lazy. He lost all energy. Dr. Herriot took interest in him and asked his mistress to cut down on sweet things. He was very greedy. He was fond of cream, cakes, and chocolates. He was not given plenty of exercises. A whole wardrobe was full of his clothing.
His mistress got upset when Tricki left eating, going for walks and doing anything. His mistress bewailed when he was taken to the hospital. He had no energy left. Dr. Herriot took a personal interest in him. He was only given plenty of water for two days. He regained energy and showed interest in other dogs. He enjoyed playing in their company. His mistress sent eggs and wine for him. They built him up and enriched his blood. He licked his mistress's face when he was taken back home. He was a kind, sensible and grateful dog.

Gnanesh Chandra Gupta 3 years, 9 months ago

Tricki was a dog of a rich lady whose name is Mrs Pumphery. Tricki was greedy dog and could tackle food at any hour of the day. Because if this he became like bloated sausage and lazy.Mr Herriot who was a vetinary doctor advised Mrs Pumphery to cut his food and sweets and give him plenty of exersice but Mrs Pumphery did not followed it. After few days Mr Herroit got call from Mrs Pumphery that Tricki did not eat anything and had blotted of vomitting and laid lazy on he couch. So Mr Herroit took him to a surgeon for a fortnight where he was not get gen food for two days and given only plenty of water. First few days he did not show any interest in his surroundings but at third day he joined the pach of dogs. He fought like a tiger in the patch of dogs fir food and rolled in the garden.when Mr Herroit told Mrs Pumphery that he is alright and can go home. When Tricki saw his mistress he jumped into her arm and attacked her with is licks. We can see that how much he love and missed his mistress. He was given a luxury a wardrobe full of coats which used depend on the weather of the day and different types of bowls

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