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What's a new conservation after 1815



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What's a new conservation after 1815
  • 1 answers

Yogita Ingle 6 years, 1 month ago

Napoleon was defeated in 1815 by the combined power of Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria. After the defeat of Napoleon, European governments wanted to follow conservatism. The conservatives believed that established, traditional institutions of state and society should be preserved. They believed in preserving the monarchy, the Church, social hierarchies, property and the family. But most of them also wanted to retain the modernization which Napoleon carried out in the spheres of administration. The conservatives believed that modernization would strengthen traditional institutions. It was believed that a modern army, an efficient bureaucracy, a dynamic economy, the abolition of feudalism and serfdom could strengthen the monarchies of Europe.
Treaty of Vienna : - These assumed powerful positions in restoration Europe , and were determined to hold on to them. The major threats to the new - found stability, although muted in 1815 , were the concepts deriving from the revolutionary years . The most powerful of these were Liberalism and Nationalism .

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