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Write a short note on Raziyya …



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Write a short note on Raziyya Sultan.
  • 1 answers

Amar Kumar 7 years, 6 months ago

Razia Sultan (1205-1240) was the first woman who ruled India. She was the daughter of the Delhi Sultan Iltutmish. Razia possessed remarkable talents. As a queen, she displayed her virtue ore prominently. Some of the nobles could not reconcile themselves to the rule of a woman. She soon overpowered her enemies.Razia was fully devoted to her empire and to her subjects. She was killed along with her husband by her brother. Thus life of Razia ended miserably after the reign of three years and a few months.Razia was reportedly devoted to the cause of her empire and to her subjects. There is no record that she made any attempt to remain aloof from her subjects, rather it appears she preferred to mingle among them. She especially protected and preserved the indigenous cultures of her Hindu subjects during her reign.Razia established schools, academies, centers for research, and public libraries that included the works of ancient Hindu philosophers along with the Qur'an and the traditions of Muhammad [citation needed]. Her reign was characterised as spirited and dynamic by many.

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