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Summary of the black aeroplane



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Summary of the black aeroplane
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Aditya Kumar 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Black Aeroplane” is a mysterious tale by Fredrik Forsyth about a pilot. The storyteller is a pilot who wants to be with his family and have a nice breakfast with them in England. He had to fly from France to England to be with his family. After passing Paris, he saw storm clouds that looked like big black mountains. But as he flew through them, everything around him turned completely black. He couldn’t see anything outside the airplane, and he lost control of it. All of a sudden, he saw another airplane without lights on its wings. The pilot of that airplane waved and signaled him to follow. Because his plane’s radio signals weren’t working, and the fuel was running low, he followed the other pilot blindly. After going through the dark clouds, he landed safely on the runway with the help of the other pilot. When he asked at the reception about the pilot who helped him in that tough situation so he could thank him, the woman there said there was no other airplane in the night sky except his own.

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