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Mock Test for CUET Geography | Online Tests

Get CUET Geography online Mock Tests and Sample Papers from myCBSEguide students' dashboard. It offers a wide range of MCQs designed according to the Geography CUET 2025 syllabus. The MCQs wil…

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Subjects of Humanities are considered a subjective with a very limited scope of having objective type questions. Here we bring all the important information regarding 2025 CUET Geography. Many aspirants take up Humanities subjects as their core in their undergraduate courses. It becomes important for them to be prepared to score fairly well to secure their seats in the college of their choice. This can be achieved only through sheer practice. Students can use the myCBSEguide App to get hold of exclusive MCQs made with the expertise of CUET Geography. 

CUET Geography Syllabus & Structure

The overall format of CUET 2025 has three parts having Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of varying difficulty levels. Section I (IA and IB) is the language section, Section II comprises the core subjects (or domain-specific subjects) and Section III is a general test. A candidate can choose a maximum of six (06) Domains as desired by the applicable University/University. The syllabus of CUET Geography is mostly based on CBSE  Class XII. The contents, chapters, and subject matter are the same as that of class 12. Candidates can take an easy breath as they don't have to learn something extra to attempt CUET Geography. Let's do a quick review of syllabus CUET Geography syllabus as given on the NTA  website:

Fundamentals of Human Geography

Unit I: Human Geography: Nature and Scope

Unit II: People

  • Population of the world – distribution, density and growth;
  • Population change-spatial patterns and structure; determinants of population change;
  • Age-sex ratio; rural-urban composition;
  • Human development - concept; selected indicators, international comparisons.

Unit III: Human Activities

  • Primary activities - concept and changing trends; gathering, pastoral, mining, subsistence agriculture, modern agriculture; people engaged in agriculture and allied activities - some examples from selected countries;
  • Secondary activities - concept; manufacturing: agro-processing, household, small scale, large scale; people engaged in secondary activities – some examples from selected countries;
  • Tertiary activities - concept; trade, transport and communication; services; people engaged in tertiary activities – some examples from selected countries; •
  • Quaternary activities - concept; knowledge based industries; people engaged in quaternary activities - some examples from selected countries.

Unit IV: Transport, Communication and Trade

  • Land transport - roads, railways - rail network; trans-continental railways;
  • Water transport- inland waterways; major ocean routes;
  • Air transport - Intercontinental air routes;
  • Oil and gas pipelines;
  • Satellite communication and cyber space;
  • International trade - Basis and changing patterns; ports as gateways of international trade, role of WTO in International trade.

Unit V: Human Settlements

  • Settlement types - rural and urban; morphology of cities (case study); distribution of megacities; problems of human settlements in developing countries.

India: People and Economy

Unit I: People

  • Migration: international, national - causes and consequences;
  • Human development - selected indicators and regional patterns;
  • Population, environment and development.

Unit II: Human Settlements

  • Rural settlements - types and distribution;
  • Urban settlements - types, distribution and functional classification.

Unit III: Resources and Development (Periods 30)

  • Land resources - general land use; agricultural land use - major crops; agricultural development and problems, common property resources;
  • Water resources - availability and utilization - irrigation, domestic, industrial and other uses; scarcity of water and conservation methods - rain water harvesting and watershed management (one case study related with participatory watershed management to be introduced);
  • Mineral and energy resources - metallic and non-metallic minerals and their distribution; conventional and non-conventional energy sources;
  • Industries - types and distribution; industrial location and clustering; changing pattern of selected industries - iron and steel, cotton textiles, sugar, petrochemicals, and knowledge based industries; the impact of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation on industrial location;
  • Planning in India - target area planning (case study); the idea of sustainable development (case study).

Unit IV: Transport, Communication, and International Trade

  • Transport and communication - roads, railways, waterways, and airways; oil and gas pipelines; national electric grids; communication networkings - radio, television, satellite, and internet;
  • International trade - changing pattern of India’s foreign trade; sea ports and their hinterland and airports.

Unit V: Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems

  • Environmental pollution; urban-waste disposal;
  • Urbanisation-rural-urban migration; the problem of slums;
  • Land Degradation.

CUET Geography Mock Tests & Online Tests

As we know that CUET 2025 will be a computer-based paper. The students who have just finished their Class 12 Board exams have already learned the theory part for Geography CUET. What they might not be prepared for is doing the objective-type time-bound questions. This needs a lot of practice because subjective answers are a recreation of mugged theories but for objective-type questions, one has to be quite prompt. This needs the application of the acquired (learned) knowledge. It is only possible through test drills or mock tests. People underrate subjects of humanities, but the fact is every subject has its worth and value. CUET Geography can be an important subject for a student who plans to take up Geology or do research-based studies in this field. One subject opens numerous scope for many other related subjects. We at myCBSEguide present you subject-wise sample questions aided with online mock tests for the same.

CUET Geography Test Pattern

Like all other domain-specific subjects of Section II, CUET Geography too will have 50 questions out of which students need to attempt 40 questions. These 10 extra questions are given to give enough liberty to the students to skip the question which has been deleted from the current CBSE syllabus. This is clearly understood that missing out on any topic, even on the pretext of deletion from NCERT or CBSE  syllabus, might prove to be costly. We advise not to skip any of the topics (even though they are deleted from the present syllabus). Therefore, myCBSEguide brings all the topics to your platter to choose from them. You can practice chapter-wise, and make your independent selections to practice for CUET Geography. It is beneficial to practice to improve your speed before sitting for the real exam. 

The total time to complete 40 questions is 45 Minutes for each Domain-Specific Subject. Likewise, candidates attempting CUET Geography will get 45 minutes for this section too. The MCQ Based Questions can be in any format like option selection (normal way) or typing input text. One has to be prepared for any typology of question. The different typologies of questions can be case-based questions, assertion-reason, incorrect statement-based, and table-based match (the column) the following questions.

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