Other Useful Resourses
The subject of Maths holds a key position in any given curriculum. The idea behind the inclusion of Mathematics is to develop the learner's ability to think, analyze and articulate logically. The curriculum at the Secondary stage primarily aims at enhancing the capacity of students to employ Mathematics in solving day-to-day life problems and studying the subject as a separate discipline. It is expected that students should acquire the ability to solve problems using algebraic methods and apply the knowledge of simple trigonometry to solve problems of height and distance. CBSE Class 9 Mathematics module available on myCBSEguide provides sample question papers, chapter-wise test papers, quick revision notes, previous year question papers, HOTS, case study questions, videos, and online tests.
CBSE Class 09 Mathematics Complete Course
The number of downloads of the myCBSEguide app bears testimony to its authenticity. Our resources contain material for every step of preparation right from the latest syllabus to sample papers. You can access class 9 Maths chapter-wise textbook solutions, revision notes, test papers, and online tests from myCBSEguide. You can also find NCERT Exemplar Solutions for CBSE Class 09 Maths. With the release of official sample papers, students would be provided with class 9 sample papers for maths on our Students' Dashboard. The Class 9 Maths curriculum gives the students a chance of carrying out experiments with numbers and forms of geometry, framing hypothesis, and verifying these with further observations from inherent parts of Mathematics learning at this stage.
Class 09 Mathematics Syllabus 2024-25
The syllabus in the subject of Mathematics has undergone changes from time to time in accordance with the growth of the subject and the emerging needs of society. The CBSE has released the latest syllabus for the current session of 2024-25. A comparative study shows that not many changes have been done to the Class 9 Maths syllabus. The proposed curriculum includes the study of number system, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, mensuration, statistics, graphs and coordinate geometry, etc. The table below gives the name of the chapters along with the allocated weightage. Every student must know the latest syllabus before beginning their preparation so that they do not prepare something that has been struck down. This will be a waste of time and effort.
Units | Marks |
ALGEBRA | 20 |
Total | 80 |
Maths Sample Papers for CBSE Class 09
As we are aware that CBSE has already released the sample papers for the forthcoming 2024-25 boards. Students now already have a blueprint of what the question paper will be like. Based on the format of the Class 09CBSE Maths Sample Question Paper, we have modeled 10 more sample papers which can be easily accessed on our student's dashboard.
The Class 9 Sample Question Paper 2024-25 provided by myCBSEguide strictly abide by the CBSE class 9 Maths syllabus. It also follows the original format of the class 09 maths sample paper provided by the CBSE.
CBSE Class 09 Maths Revision Notes
Chapter-based revision notes with proper explanations are available on our dashboard. These notes can be very handy for students who are doing self-study or are studying independently. They provide a guiding light to clear chapter-related doubts of the students. As we know
Our Revision Notes for Class 9 Mathematics are available in PDF which is for free download in the myCBSEguide mobile app. This section has chapter-wise notes which are very helpful for quick preparation of the boards or even annual examinations of the school. Class 9 Mathematics Revision notes are also available for download on the CBSEguide website.
CBSE Class 09 Maths Test Papers
Mathematics is all about practicing and it is always advisable to practice more to ace the subject. The secondary level is crucial for a student's life because it lays the foundation of their future career. Hence, the students must begin to prep right from stand 9. Those who aim to take up science/mathematics as their future subject must begin practicing seriously and with complete clarity. This is the time they must utilize to their fullest and practice as much as they can. Solving as many CBSE class 9 Maths test papers available on myCBSEguide will really help to achieve better results.
Our practice test papers for class 9 Maths are carefully curated by our able subject matter experts. Students can check their progress with the help of these test papers which cover the final syllabus. After taking each test, students can self-assess with the help of the solutions of the paper.
Class 09 Maths NCERT Solutions
We all know that CBSE prescribes NCERT textbooks only and most of the questions are asked from NCERT books. Especially in class 9 Maths, questions given in NCERT books are very important. You will have hundreds of questions for practice in NCERT books. We recommend you practice all the questions given in NCERT books including the example questions. Once you are done, you should practice the previous year questions and at the end attempt full syllabus model question papers. You can get class NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths on myCBSEguide app and website for free.
Coordinate Geometry
Introduction to Euclids Geometry
Herons Formula
CBSE Class 09 Mathematics Case Study Questions
The CBSE curriculum is now focusing on promoting competency-based education after the introduction of the NEP 2020. Case study questions are considered to be competency-based questions. The case study is assumed to be one of the best methods to evaluate competencies. The competency-based case study questions available on myCBSEguide have been prepared by expert CBSE teachers you can check the sample questions CBSE Class 9 Mathematics Case Study Questions on this link,
We guarantee the quality of our questions which you will find much better than those available over the internet or any publisher books. Most of these books and sites have MCQs-based case-based questions for class 9 Maths that do not have a matching question type as given in the maths sample paper. Download the myCBSEguide App to get class 9 Maths case study questions for 2024-25 based on the CBSE Maths sample papers.
CBSE Class 9 Mathematics Case Study Questions
If you’re looking for a comprehensive and reliable study resource and case study questions for class 9 CBSE, myCBSEguide is the perfect door to enter. With over 10,000 study notes, solved sample papers and practice questions, it’s got everything you need to ace your exams. Plus, it’s updated regularly to …
NCERT Solutions for Class 9
NCERT textbook solutions for class 9 are now available in the myCBSEguide App for free. Students can download and access the latest NCERT book chapter-end questions and answers from the myCBSEguide App and student dashboard. We offer NCERT questions and solutions for class 9 Social Science, Science, Mathematics, English Language …
CBSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus 2024-25
CBSE Class 9 Mathematics Syllabus 2024-25 Students must follow the updated CBSE syllabus to ensure they are aligned with the official curriculum. With the most recent syllabus, students can focus on important topics, manage their study time effectively, and prepare for their exams with confidence using myCBSEGuide App. The Class …
CBSE Term-1 MCQ Sample Papers 2021-22
CBSE will ask only MCQs in Term-1 Examination this year. The board will hold this first term exam in Nov-Dec 2021. As CBSE has already cleared that 1st term exam will carry 90 minutes, now it’s time to start preparation. Students can download CBSE Term-1 MCQ Sample Papers from myCBSEguide …
CBSE to Conduct Two Term Exams in 2021-22
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CBSE Syllabus 2021-22 Released
The syllabus for the session 2021-22 has been released by CBSE, New Delhi. It is available on the myCBSEguide App and CBSE official Website for free download. Here are some important points to note: The syllabus is almost similar to last year without 30% reduction. There are some minor changes …
CBSE Reduced Syllabus by 30% for Session 2020-21
CBSE, New Delhi has reduced the syllabus for classes 9 to 12 by 30%. The CBSE Revised Syllabus 2020-21 is available in CBSE official website and myCBSEguide mobile app. Here is the complete circular regarding CBSE Revised Syllabus 2020-21: CBSE Reduced the Syllabus The prevailing health emergency in the country …
Report Card in myCBSEguide App
The new update of myCBSEguide App includes Report Card feature for students. This will help students to monitor their progress. Report Card is also a very useful tool for parents to check the performance of the student. What is Report Card in myCBSEguide App? Report Card is a tool in …
Multiple Choice Questions for CBSE Class 10 and 12
The new curriculum issued by CBSE, New Delhi includes objective type questions along with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ). Now CBSE will ask around 20% questions based on objective type questions. myCBSEguide App has more than one lakh MCQ from class 3 to 12 in almost all major subjects. MCQ questions …
JSTSE Previous Year Papers 2009 to 2019
Download JSTSE previous year papers from the year 2009 to 2019 in PDF format for free from myCBSEguide App and website. JSTSE (Junior Science Talent Search Examination) JSTSE Previous Year Question Papers are now available in myCBSEguide App for free. JSTSE past 10 year question papers and solutions are also …