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Install NowCBSE has issued sample question paper for class-12 Accountancy. This question paper have 3-4 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). The same pattern is to be followed in class 11 too. The new pattern of question paper will test knowledge, understanding and application of concepts learned. Thus, it is not sufficient to have good knowledge of the subject but student must have good understanding of how and where to apply the learned facts.
myCBSEguide offers online question bank of more than 2000 MCQs based on knowledge, understanding and application of Accountancy for CBSE class-11 and class-12. These online tests are absolutely free to attempt.
To download the latest sample question paper issued by CBSE for class-12 March 2015 board examination, CLICK HERE.
Sample Question papers for class-12 physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, history, geography, economics, business studies, political science, sociology, computer science, informatics practices and many other subjects are available for free download at http://myCBSEguide.com

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