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Install NowCBSE has revised the English Text Book for class IX from session 2010-2011. The old English Text book is now outdated. CBSE is going to publish New Text Book for class IX English Course A. The New Text Book English Communicative for class IX is to be studied from April 2010.
The Central Board of Secondary Education, in its efforts to provide quality education has constantly striven to upgrade the syllabi, learning materials and textbooks. It is in this context that the Class IX textbooks for Communicative English have been revised on the basis of feedback received and collated.
The following Revised Students’ text books will be available for the academic session 2010-2011 for class IX at the CBSE stores from March 2010 onwards.
1. Interact in English Main Course book for class IX Rs. 75/-
2. Interact in English Literature Reader for class IX Rs. 70/-
3. Interact in English Work Book for class IX Rs.75/-
The books can also be downloaded from the CBSE website www.cbse.nic.in. You will be intimated via email,whenever the Book will be made available on internet for download. To get email alert kindly subscribe at http://onlineteachers.co.in/newsletter/index.html

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The site doesnot show evaluation pattern and syllabus for class X for in english communicate for the sesson 2010-11. Kindly let me be informed at sharp.
Iam searching new books of 10th class of cbse but could not find it……..
can anyone tell me where to find it………….
plzzz any1 say me from where can i download Xth class english textbook i need it…
can any one tell me were i can find my 10th class of cbse books
please help
this site does no allow to see the page of main course book for class 9 th.
please help me how to downlod communicative english textbook
plzzz any1 say me from where can i download 9th class english guide or notes i need it…
plzzz any1 say me from where can i download 9th class english notes or guide i need it.