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Meghna Thapar 3 years, 8 months ago

According to writers including Gautam Kumar Bera, there was already a distinct geo-political, cultural entity called Jharkhand even before the Magadha Empire. In 2000 a campaign led by the BJP for a separate state culminated with the passage of the Bihar Reorganisation Act, creating Jharkhand as a new Indian state. Chhattisgarh reconstituted Madhya Pradesh; Uttaranchal reformed Uttar Pradesh; and Jharkhand was carved out of Bihar. The basis for the creation of these states is said to be socio-political and not linguistic. Jharkhand was carved out of the 18 districts of southern Bihar.

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Gaurav Seth 3 years, 8 months ago

Formation of caste based associations and political parties is known as 'Secularisation of caste'

Secularisation of caste – formation of caste based associations and political parties. – seeking votes and fielding candidates on caste lines - assertion of rights, by caste based organisations

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Meghna Thapar 3 years, 8 months ago

Green Revolution in its two phases was successful. In the first phase it increased the yield of wheat dramatically which is a staple food grain in most states.In the second phase the revolution spread to other states and other crops which made India self sufficient in food grains.It helped farmers sell their produce in market which reduced the market price of food grains and food was affordable for all. There were two phases to the Green Revolution; the first spanned from 1960 to the mid 1970's and was “.. primarily concentrated on wheat and was associated with a substantial rise in both yield per unit area and total output, especially in North India.”

Meghna Thapar 3 years, 8 months ago

There were two phases to the Green Revolution; the first spanned from 1960 to the mid 1970’s and was “..primarily concentrated on wheat and was associated with a substantial rise in both yield per unit area and total output, especially in North India.” (Putnaik,2000:81). As targets were reached the profitability of producing cereals rose also. Putnaik states that “…considerable capitalist investment was visible, especially in North India” which was historically associated with colonial British rule and implemented where irrigation systems were already in place.

The second phase of the Green Revolution dated from 1975 to the present day and has seen the Punjab region becoming ‘phased-in’ as a HYV of rice growing region:

“High yielding rice has emerged as a second crop grown primarily for sale in the traditionally wheat-growing region of North India which had already benefited the most from the first round of technical change” (Patnaik,2000: 82). The capitalistic system saw the same people profiting from phase two as did from phase one and the divide continues to widen.

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Yogita Ingle 3 years, 9 months ago

(i) Age composition refers to the number of people in different age groups in a country. It is the most basic characteristic of a population.
(ii) To an important degree, a person's age influences what he needs, buys, does and his capacity to perform.
(iii) Consequently, the number and percentage of a population found within the children, working age and aged groups are notable determinants of the population's social and economic structure.

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Yogita Ingle 3 years, 9 months ago

Prejudice means to judge others in a negative way or to see them as inferior. People who are prejudiced may criticise the religious beliefs, habits, customs, dressing styles and languages of other people.

Discrimination is the result of prejudiced thinking and creating stereotypes. Discrimination occurs when people are treated unequally and are not given due respect because of the caste to which they belong or because of the work they do. In India, people are discriminated against on the basis of their caste, class, gender, religion, wealth and occupation. For example, people belonging to the lower castes are discriminated against in various ways. In many areas even today, they are neither allowed to enter into temples nor can they draw water from wells.

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Amanjot Kaur 3 years, 9 months ago

Segmental division of society: The caste system divides the whole society into various segments or sections. Each of these castes is a well developed social group, the membership of which is fixed by birth. So change from one caste to another caste is not possible.
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Amanjot Kaur 3 years, 9 months ago

The extended family, village community and caste system are three primary societal structures. ... There are great contrasts between traditional India and modern high-tech and Westernized India.
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Meghna Thapar 3 years, 9 months ago

In short, Westernization is about the adoption of “Western” values. On the other hand, Modernization has a wider connotation. In fact, Westernization is a sub-process of Modernization. ... In other words, Modernization is a change or modification which offers the promise of the preservation of the past. Modernity is defined as a condition of social existence that is significantly different to all past forms of human experience, while modernization refers to the transitional process of moving from “traditional” or “primitive” communities to modern societies.

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Yogita Ingle 3 years, 9 months ago

The Indian society is divided into four main castes- the Brahmins, Khastriyas, Vaishyas and the Shudras. Caste system forms the basis of discrimination when the people of lower castes are discriminated by the people of higher castes. The Shudras or the untouchables since centuries have been forced to do menial work and are looked down. They were also allowed to receive any kind of education.

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Harshita Khatri 3 years, 8 months ago

Problems faced by mine workers 1.they had to work in poor sanitation conditions due to which they have poor heath 2.they are given below the minimum statutory wages as it is better than being unemployed 3.sometimes they lost their lives or suffer injuries due to- . Wall collapse . Inhalation of gases like methane, carbon monoxide which is hazardous and may result in death. . The
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Yogita Ingle 3 years, 9 months ago

India is witnessing the third stage of demographic transition from 1971. During the 1970s, the country witnessed a decline in death rate which was almost the same as the decline in birth rate, leading to a plateau in population growth in 1960s and 1970s.

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Meghna Thapar 3 years, 9 months ago

Respondents may not be fully aware of their reasons for any given answer because of lack of memory on the subject, or even boredom. Surveys with closed-ended questions may have a lower validity rate than other question types. Data errors due to question non-responses may exist. Surveys allow you to reach thousands of possible participants if necessary, which ensures a more accurate sample in which to draw conclusions. The anonymity of surveys allows people to feel more candid with their responses. To get accurate data, you need your participants to be as honest as possible with their answers.

  • 3 answers

Harshita Khatri 3 years, 8 months ago

Unorganized sectors are opposite to organised sector as they lack safety and security to the worker. Also they are not regesterd with government and hence workers there do not get regular salary or wages. They may not get extra money for extra labour. They work in poor sanitation conditions.

Pallavi Behera 3 years, 9 months ago

Please can you tell me the definition of unorganised sector

Yogita Ingle 3 years, 9 months ago

Small scale industries (SSI) are those industries in which manufacturing, providing services, productions are done on a small scale or micro scale. For example, these are the ideas of Small scale industries: Napkins, tissues, chocolates, toothpick, water bottles, small toys, papers, pens. Small scale industries play an important role in social and economic development of India. These industries do a one-time investment in machinery, plants, and industries which could be on an ownership basis, hire purchase or lease basis. But it does not exceed Rs. 1 Crore.

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Yogita Ingle 3 years, 9 months ago

Prejudice means to judge others in a negative way or to see them as inferior. People who are prejudiced may criticise the religious beliefs, habits, customs, dressing styles and languages of other people.

Discrimination is the result of prejudiced thinking and creating stereotypes. Discrimination occurs when people are treated unequally and are not given due respect because of the caste to which they belong or because of the work they do. In India, people are discriminated against on the basis of their caste, class, gender, religion, wealth and occupation. For example, people belonging to the lower castes are discriminated against in various ways. In many areas even today, they are neither allowed to enter into temples nor can they draw water from wells.

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Yogita Ingle 3 years, 9 months ago

In 1833, the Mahalwari settlement was introduced in the Punjab, the central provinces and parts of North western provinces. Under this system the basic unit of revenue settlement was the village or the Mahal. As the village lands belonged jointly to the village community, the responsibility of paying’ the revenue rested with the entire mahal or the village community. So the entire land of the village was measured at the time of fixing the revenue.

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Yogita Ingle 3 years, 9 months ago



In the West, the State is separate from the functioning of all religious institution and groups.  Secularism in India means that the state is neutral to all religious groups but not necessarily separate
The state believes in total non-interference of religion. The state is allowed to curtail the rights of citizens if the religion is causing hindrance in the functioning of the state. In India, the concept is not restricted to the question of how religious groups are to be treated. Instead, the essence of secularism lies in forging a positive relationship between the state and religion.
The Western concept of Secularism does not believe in an open display of religion with except for places of worship. In India, all expression of Religion is manifested equally with support from the state.
The distinction between state and religion is clear and set in stone Thre is no clear distinction between the state and religion in India. 
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Amanjot Kaur 3 years, 9 months ago

Answer. India has more than 50% of its population below the age of 25 and more than 65% below the age of 35. It is expected that, in 2020, the average age of an Indian will be 29 years, compared to 37 for China and 48 for Japan; and, by 2030, India's dependency ratio should be just over 0.4

Meghna Thapar 3 years, 9 months ago

 India has more than 50% of its population below the age of 25 and more than 65% below the age of 35. It is expected that, in 2020, the average age of an Indian will be 29 years, compared to 37 for China and 48 for Japan; and, by 2030, India's dependency ratio should be just over 0.4. India's population is young. Its birth and death rates are both near the global average. More than half the population is under age 30 and less than one-fourth is age 45 or older.

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Mahaveer Singh 3 years, 9 months ago

Demography means study about people.
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Sia ? 3 years, 2 months ago

It is community identity based on birth and belonging rather than on some form of acquired qualifications or accomplishment. It is an identity with one's present and has nothing to bear with the future.

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