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  • 1 answers

Sia ? 3 years, 8 months ago

Green revolution, great increase in production of food grains (especially wheat and rice) that resulted in large part from the introduction into developing countries of new, high-yielding varieties, beginning in the mid-20th century. Its early dramatic successes were in Mexico and the Indian subcontinent.

  • 1 answers

Preeti Dabral 3 years, 8 months ago

I agree with the above statement. New Economic Policy(NEP) that was initiated in 1991 was liberal in the sense that ​prior to the NEP, 1991 a host of controlling systems such as licensing system, foreign exchange control, control on expansion, etc. was imposed on the private sector. However, owing to this, inefficiencies crept into the system and economic growth was badly hampered. GDP growth rate hit an all time low. With the aim of reviving the economy, New Economic Policy was introduced in the year 1991. Liberalisation forms the foremost element of this policy.

  • 3 answers

Utkarsh Soni 4 years ago

Yes, we include it in estimation of national income, because it's a payment by the govt. To the employee in exchange of there service ... Or it is a part of COE
1. Yes it is included in estimation of national income because it is a part of compensation of employee. it will not be included in estimation of national income because it is an intermediate consumption of business firm.

Utkarsh Soni 4 years ago

No, it's not included in national income.
  • 2 answers
Sharecropping refers to us that a farmer ask the landowner a part of his land for growing crops and in exchange the farmers at the end of the year a portion of his crops is to be given to the landowner
What is sharecropping??
  • 2 answers

Shubham Hatwal 3 years, 11 months ago

Those people who are mostly unemployed are called chronic unemployment.

Utkarsh Soni 4 years ago

chronic unemployment is caused due to the long-term unemployment persisting in the economy. ... And with the closure of these several artisans are left unemployed
  • 1 answers

Preeti Dabral 3 years, 8 months ago

The changing role of state is reflected in the eighth five year plan which mentioned that the planning in India will be indicative increasingly. In order to give some correctness to the changing role of state the eighth five year plan has identified the principles governing public sector. These are :

1. The public sector must withdraw from the areas where no public sector is served by its presence.

2. State should make investments only in those areas where investment is of main infrastructural nature where private sector is not likely to come forth to an adequate extent within a reasonable time perspective.

After that we saw a major shift in the Indian economy and the role of state has been changing from a controller, regulator and participator to that of a facilitator, observer and guide. The changes that took place in the role of state since 1991 are as under:

  1.  Before economic reforms, government had its share in all sectors of the economy.  It was producing bread, butter, biscuits, milk, running hotels and many of these were actually not required to be in public sector. Government withdrew herself from these sectors through delicensing, deregulation and disinvestment. 
  2.  As a regulator, during 1947-1990, Government regulated all activities with the laws and acts. But after 1991, except some basic and strategic goods and services, decisions were made to be market driven. For this purpose, regulatory authorities were set up for different sectors.
  3. Since 1991, Government has focused its attention on development of social sector like education, health, defence, law and order.

Overall, we can say that the role of state has changed from producer to production facilitator.

  • 3 answers
1 explosive population 2 less gdp 3 unequal distribution of income 4 less infrastructure 5 less human capital

Cute Girl 4 years ago

There as two main causes of poverty 1 underdevelopment of the economy. 2 unequal distribution of income

Ankita Madaan 4 years ago

Illiteracy among them Nd less job opportunities
  • 5 answers

Utkarsh Soni 4 years ago

microeconomics kya hoti hai yeh puch rahi ho ?

Utkarsh Soni 4 years ago

Macroeconomics hai class 12th mein micro class 11th mein thi agr aapko samajh nahi aaya toh batao.

Utkarsh Soni 4 years ago

In the present case, the Reserve requirement is 0.2 and deposits are Rs. 1000. Hence, the quantum of money to be maintained by the commercial bank is Rs. 200 (0.2x1000).

Amit Thaur 4 years ago


Muskaan Jaan 4 years ago

  • 1 answers

Amit Thaur 4 years ago

In value added method firstly we will find gdpmp and the formula of gdpmp is sales + change in stock- intermediate goods
  • 2 answers

Utkarsh Soni 4 years ago

Final goods refer to those goods which are used either for consumption or for investment. Intermediate goods refer to those goods which are used either for resale or for further production in the same year. ... They are not ready for use, i.e. some value has to be added to the intermediate goods.

Kashish Agrawal 4 years ago

Intermediate goods are those goods which have not crossed the boundary line of production, are not ready to use by the final user. Final goods are those goods which have crossed the boundary line of production, are ready to use by the final user.
  • 1 answers

Aastha Gupta 4 years ago

1. Thermal power station 2.steel plants
  • 1 answers
Combination of pressure and persuasion
  • 4 answers

Dhruv Maheshwari 3 years, 11 months ago


Anjali Negi 4 years ago

No Revenue receipts neither increase liability nor reduce asset of the govt.

Rahul Yadav 4 years ago


Geetika Sharma 4 years ago

  • 3 answers
Leakages= withdrawal of money from supply like savings Injection = increasing the supply of money

Anjali Negi 4 years ago

Leakage :- it includes all those transaction which reduce economic or production activities in the economy For example:- savings, tax, import Injection :- it includes all those transaction which increases production activities in the economy. for example investment, government expenditure and export

Chhaya Tiwari 4 years ago

* when Ind buy foreign good, this spending escape as leakage from circular flow of income decreasing aggregate demand * our export to foreign enter as an injection into circular flow increasing aggregate demand for domestically produce goods
  • 1 answers

Preeti Dabral 3 years, 8 months ago

(1) Mean or Average:

Mean in theory is defined as the sum of all the elements of a set divided by the number of elements. We can get a fairly good idea about the whole set of data by calculating its mean. Thus the formula for mean is:

Mean = Sumofallthesetelements/Numberofelements 

The importance of mean lies in its ability to represent the whole dataset with a single value.

(2) Median:

Median is the middle value of a dataset. So, if a set consists of an odd number of values, then the middle value will be the median of the set. On the other hand, if the set consists of an even number of sets, then the median will be the average of the two middle values.

Thus, the median may be used to separate a set of data into two parts. To find the median of a set, we need to arrange the elements of the set in increasing order. Then find the middle value.

(3) Mode:

The mode in a dataset is the value that is most frequent in the dataset. The mode also summarizes the gdataset with single information.

(4) Variance:

We may want to measure the deviation of a set of data from their mean value. The variance of the particular dataset will always be positive. Variance is used in the calculation of Standard Deviation, which is a very important concept of statistics.

(5) Standard Deviation:

The standard deviation is defined as the square rooting of the variance of the data.

  • 3 answers
Poverty refers to a state in which an individual is unable to fulfill even the basic necessities of life ( like , food , clothes , shelter , health and education ) OR The WORLD BANK ( 1990 ) has defined poverty as " the inability to attain a minimal standard of living " .

Rahul Yadav 4 years ago

It is the situation when the people are not able to fullfill their daily needs
  • 2 answers

Chhaya Tiwari 4 years ago

Jobless growth is best eg of it

Saloni Kaushik 4 years ago

Yes, due to unequal distribution of income it is possible ?
  • 1 answers

Preeti Dabral 3 years, 8 months ago

(i) It improves productivity and efficiency.
(ii) It improves mental horizon of the people by which they try to improve their health status.
(iii) Common educated masses contribute in the development of the country.
(iv) It makes them good citizen that helps in choosing an intelligent government.
(v) It promotes science and technology by which people have a scientific outlook.
(vi) It produces skilled and trained workers.
Vi) In this way education helps in human capital formation.

  • 2 answers

Manish Rana 4 years, 1 month ago

1.Lack Of Irrigation Facality 2. Lack Of Markets 3. Small land Holdings By Farmers 4. ETC

Sorabh Gill 4 years, 1 month ago

Lack of permanent means of irritation Credit facility is lacking Less regulated markets
  • 3 answers

Chhaya Tiwari 4 years ago

It won't be is easy... just practice daily

Saloni Kaushik 4 years ago

Micro deals with micro details and hence difficult to grasp concepts

Manish Rana 4 years, 1 month ago

Yeah You are Right Micro Is Hard to study
  • 2 answers

Chhaya Tiwari 4 years ago

Due to corruption, implementation policy are not implement well

Manish Rana 4 years, 1 month ago

Due To Overpopulation

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