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Ankita Madaan 4 years ago

Swaranjayanti gram swagrozgar yojna, MGNREGA.
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Rahul Yadav 4 years, 1 month ago

Defend,because these concessions is given by goverment for this they do'nt give service so it is a one sided transfer.
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Saloni Kaushik 4 years ago

Household provide factors of production by providing labour to firms In exchange of the services firms pay compensation for the factors of production i.e. Households

Mahak Chelani 4 years, 1 month ago

Aree.... 1. Households and, 2. Firm.

Mahak Chelani 4 years, 1 month ago

The circular flow of income in two sectors are...
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Preeti Dabral 3 years, 8 months ago

It refers to the unending flow of the activities of production, income generation and expenditure involving different sectors of the economy, producers and households in particular.

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Mahak Chelani 4 years, 1 month ago

Stock variables refers to that variables measured at a particular point of time .on the other hand,flow variables measured over period of time

Divya Jain 4 years, 1 month ago

Stock variables measured at a particular point of time.for eg. National wealth. Flow variables are measured at a period of time. For eg. National income

Rahul Yadav 4 years, 1 month ago

Stock variables measured at a paticular point of time and opposite flow varables ar measured over a period of time example birth rate and stock example national income
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Anjali Negi 4 years ago

equitable Distribution of income is more important because the better equitable distribution of income, the better is the growth of nation

Anjali Negi 4 years ago

In equitable distribution of income, the income given to a person as according to is potential level

Anjali Negi 4 years ago

In equal distribution of income, income given to a person at all level is equal whether he is a CEO of a company or a clerk.
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Mahak Chelani 4 years, 1 month ago

There are 3 non farm employment are.... 1. Animal husbandry- means breeding , grazing and breeding of animals cow dunk , flows, baffalos. 2. Dairing-means milk production. 3. Fishers- means fishing . The water as 'mother' of fishers..... Oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, sea, etc.
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Mohd Muaz Malik 4 years, 1 month ago

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Saloni Kaushik 4 years ago

False, even if our income is 0 still we consume to live also called autonomous consumption. Here savings are used
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Prakhar Gupta 4 years, 1 month ago

Infrastructure refers to all such facilities, which further used in development of other facilities. E.g - roads, airports, hospital, school etc

Dua E Noor Rizwan 4 years, 1 month ago

Infrastructures economies as well as social-continued to be highly deficient. There was a modest change, but only to facilitate colonial exploitation of the India

Rahul Yadav 4 years, 1 month ago

It is a supporting system of our economy and it contains health sanitaion power etc

Palak Suri 4 years, 1 month ago

Infrastructure refers to the basic facilities, services and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society.
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Rahul Yadav 4 years, 1 month ago

And it is not a issue of debentues it is just taken for future uncertainity in case the creditor don not pay the money so for that suspense account is open

Palak Suri 4 years, 1 month ago

A company’s debentures issued as collateral security is a secondary security for the original loan taken. Collateral security is the addutional security given for a loan
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Palak Suri 4 years, 1 month ago

Circular Flow of income in a two sector economy : Households are the owners of factors of production. They provide factor services to the firms (producing units). Firms provide factor payments in exchange of their factor services. So, factor payments flow from firms (producing units to households) Households purchase goods and services from firms (producing units) for which they make payment to them. So, expenditure (spending on final goods and services ) flows from households to the firms. This makes the circular flow of income complete.

Jyotika Upadhyay 4 years, 1 month ago

Circular flow of income in two sector economy refers to the flow of factor income from producers to households and then from households to producers in the form of expenditure on goods and services.
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Palak Suri 4 years, 1 month ago

Perfect competition is a market structure where many firms offer a homogeneous product.
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Palak Suri 4 years, 1 month ago

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a measure of economic development and economic welfare.

Vadlamani Srilakshmi 4 years, 1 month ago

my doubt is geometry
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Preeti Dabral 3 years, 8 months ago

If the MPS= 0.25 and investment is increased by Rs. 200 crores.
Multiplier(k) => Change in Income / 200 = 1/ MPS
=> Change in Income / 200 = 1/0.25
=> Change in Income / 200 = 4
=>Change in Income = 4*200 = 800 crores
Consumption at equilibrium level of income,
Income= Consumption+ Investment
=> Y= C+I
=> C= Y-I
=> C = 800-200
= 600 crores

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Kajal Upadhyay 4 years, 1 month ago

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Vikas Kaswan 4 years, 1 month ago

Import substitute can protect domestic industry by regulation of large scale industry. Offered protection from competition. Some areas were reserved for small scale industry. financial institutions were developed . And several boards were established to protect small scale industry These all steps are taken to protect small scale industry
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Preeti Dabral 3 years, 8 months ago

The functional relationship between the consumption expenditure and income is known as consumption function Symbolically,
C=f (Y), Which is read as 'Consumption is a function of income'
Consumption function in terms of an algebraic expression can be written as
C={tex}\overline C{/tex}+bY

C=Consumption expenditure
{tex}\overline C{/tex}=Autonomous consumption at zero levels of income
b=Marginal Propensity to Consume
Let us understand it with the help of a schedule and diagram.

<th scope="col">Consumption (C)</th> <th scope="col">Income (Y)</th> <th scope="col">Marginal Propensity to Consume =
100 0 - - -
170 100 0.7 70 100
240 200 0.7 70 100
310 300 0.7 70 100
380 400 0.7 70 100
450 500 0.7 70 100

The point B represents the break even point where the consumption expenditure equals the income. To the left of point B, consumption is greater than income and to the right of point B, consumption is less than income.

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Divya Jain 4 years, 1 month ago

Need for economic reform are as follows - (a)Poor performance of public sector (b)Inflation (c) Deficit in bop (d) inefficiency of management (e) debt trap
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Preeti Dabral 3 years, 8 months ago

The changing role of state is reflected in the eighth five year plan which mentioned that the planning in India will be indicative increasingly. In order to give some correctness to the changing role of state the eighth five year plan has identified the principles governing public sector. These are :

1. The public sector must withdraw from the areas where no public sector is served by its presence.

2. State should make investments only in those areas where investment is of main infrastructural nature where private sector is not likely to come forth to an adequate extent within a reasonable time perspective.

After that we saw a major shift in the Indian economy and the role of state has been changing from a controller, regulator and participator to that of a facilitator, observer and guide. The changes that took place in the role of state since 1991 are as under:

  1.  Before economic reforms, government had its share in all sectors of the economy.  It was producing bread, butter, biscuits, milk, running hotels and many of these were actually not required to be in public sector. Government withdrew herself from these sectors through delicensing, deregulation and disinvestment. 
  2.  As a regulator, during 1947-1990, Government regulated all activities with the laws and acts. But after 1991, except some basic and strategic goods and services, decisions were made to be market driven. For this purpose, regulatory authorities were set up for different sectors.
  3. Since 1991, Government has focused its attention on development of social sector like education, health, defence, law and order.

Overall, we can say that the role of state has changed from producer to production facilitator.

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Divya Jain 4 years, 1 month ago

To increase the role of private sector in the economy
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Muhammed Rayhan 4 years, 1 month ago

Average propensity to consume=consumption/income=c/y=450/1000=0.45

Mohd Muaz Malik 4 years, 1 month ago

we know, APC = C/Y, APC= 450/1000= 0.45
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Muhammed Rayhan 4 years, 1 month ago

Gross domestic product

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