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  • 2 answers

Divya Jain 3 years, 11 months ago

The stock variables are the variables which are measured at a particular point of time. For example national wealth,etc

Pranchal Balecha 3 years, 11 months ago

The stock variable refers to those variable which are count at a particular point of time . They are in stock concepts . Example :- Water in a tank , rupees in bank on 23rd march ....
  • 1 answers

Pranchal Balecha 3 years, 11 months ago

RBI plays a very crucial role in generating and distributing currency in the economy . It controls and regulates the finance in the economy.
  • 1 answers

Pranchal Balecha 3 years, 11 months ago

Yes , India can earn 500 billion rupees because medical facilities in India are easy affordable by the poorer section of the society . In India medical facilities are cheaper in rate and in good condition with proper main range .
  • 1 answers

Pranchal Balecha 3 years, 11 months ago

The growth rate in China is increasing because of Moderate population , educated people , developed country . The Growth rate in India is in progress to increase because of government initiatives and various programmes started by the government for the poor section of the society and sone welfare programmes also .
  • 5 answers

Pranchal Balecha 3 years, 11 months ago

Central Bank / RBI is an apex body that controls directs and regulates the entire cross section of the society The function that RBI performs are :- 1. Currency Authority :- The Finance minister print and regulates the one rupees note and coins and rest rupees bears by the signature of the RBI . 2. Bankers to the Bank :- A. Banker to the government :- ? It maintain current account . ?It receipts and make payment for the government and carry out exchanged remmitances for the government temporary period . ? It gives loan for the government temporary periods . The government sells it's Treasury bills and securities . B. As an agent :- It helps in maintaining public debts. C. As an financial advisors :- It advances government for political , social , economical time . 3. Bankers bank and supervisor :- ? Custodian of cash reserve ?Legal lender of last resort 4. Controller of money supplier and credit :- ? Bank rate ?Repo rate ?Reverse Repo rate ?open Market operation Legal reserve Ratio ? Cash reserve ratio ?statutory liquidity ratio ? Margin Requirement

Cute Girl 3 years, 11 months ago

Government's bank

Utkarsh Soni 3 years, 11 months ago

Btw it's not come in any function of RBI. If you have doubt on it then you can google it also.

Utkarsh Soni 3 years, 11 months ago

Central Bank is a banker to the government. As a banker to the government it manages accounts of the government. As a agent to the government, it buys and sells securities on behalf of the government. As an advisor to the government, it frames policies to regulate the money market.

?????? ???? . 3 years, 11 months ago

This statement represents the function of BANKER OF GOVERNMENT
  • 2 answers

Nikhil Shukla 3 years, 11 months ago


Utkarsh Soni 3 years, 11 months ago

Yes, because central bank provide loan to commercial banks to render loan to people which increases or raises the purchasing power in the economy simpli it's used in deflation and for inflation it's just opposite of it. So we can say that central and commercial plays an vital role in money supply.
  • 1 answers

Utkarsh Soni 3 years, 11 months ago

Nope, because government take loan by RBI for any purpose. It's just can be an exceptional case when RBI hasn't enough money to provide loan.
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Susanta Das 3 years, 11 months ago

borrowing; purchase shares of multinational companies ; advance a loan for state govt requirement ;

Keshav Pruthi 3 years, 11 months ago

Sale Of Fixed Assets
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Utkarsh Soni 3 years, 11 months ago

You just have to wrote about three rounds.

Cute Girl 3 years, 11 months ago

No it is not necessary
  • 1 answers

Arya Deep 3 years, 11 months ago

Choose the simplest and easy topic that you had understood already and prepare that for the viva !
  • 1 answers

Arya Deep 3 years, 11 months ago

Meaning or defination, Important terms and common terms like NFiFA , Factor cost , MP etc can be prepared. Some formulas and their full forms also.
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Pranchal Balecha 3 years, 11 months ago

NNP fc = compensation of employes +operating surplus + Mixed income self employed Compensation of employes = income received in cash or income received in kind
  • 2 answers

Aditya Agrawal 3 years, 11 months ago

The paradox states that an increase in autonomous saving leads to a decrease in aggregate demand and thus a decrease in gross output which will in turn lower total saving

Utkarsh Soni 3 years, 11 months ago

The paradox states that an increase in autonomous saving leads to a decrease in aggregate demand and thus a decrease in gross output which will in turn lower total saving.
  • 1 answers

Utkarsh Soni 3 years, 11 months ago

population proportion that exists, or lives, below the poverty threshold. ... For example, the poverty head count ratio at national poverty line (percentage of population) in India was last reported at 21.9% in 2011.
  • 2 answers

Pranchal Balecha 3 years, 11 months ago

Dada bhai naoroji

Utkarsh Soni 3 years, 11 months ago

Dadabhai Naoroji
  • 2 answers

Pranchal Balecha 3 years, 11 months ago

In was formed in 1955 It refers to maximum investment allowed on asset of a unit.

Utkarsh Soni 3 years, 11 months ago

In 1955, Karve committee was constituted for aiming the Development of small scale industries.
  • 3 answers

Drashti Vaish 4 years ago

It depends...upon the situation..

Armandeep Singh 4 years ago

It depends on the end user how he uses that good say car? if he uses for generating income by lending the taxi? services then that will ne considered as capital good and if he uses it for self consumption rather than for generating income its not a capital good

Utkarsh Soni 4 years ago

No, all machines aren't capital goods used to produce goods for other or sale but also used by individuals to ease their household works.
  • 1 answers

Utkarsh Soni 4 years ago

Macroeconomics is the study of economic problems at macro level or as a whole. E.g. - national income of a country. Microeconomics is the study of economic problems as on individual level. E.g. - per-capita income of a person.
  • 1 answers

Aastha Gupta 4 years ago

Intermidiate consumption stands for the value of non factor input like the value of raw material . Here is an example of clarify this point further a Baker buys flour worth rs. 100 from a Miller and then converts that flour into bread worth rs. 120
  • 4 answers

Armandeep Singh 4 years ago

Professor P.C. Mahanalobis

Utkarsh Soni 4 years ago

May be i'm wrong coz he was head of planning commission and introduced Planning commission. So prashant Chandra mahalonobis Is right answer.

Utkarsh Soni 4 years ago

Jawaharlal Nehru.

Arshita Nanda 4 years ago

Prasant chandra mahalonobis
  • 3 answers

Armandeep Singh 4 years ago

1960 i guess? but was later implied in whole country in 1966?

Utkarsh Soni 4 years ago

By M.S swaminathan

Utkarsh Soni 4 years ago

In 1960
  • 1 answers

Rahul Yadav 4 years ago

The goverment keeping low the value of currency because they wan't to export more at in contrary the export is increase and they absorb more foreign currency from the foreign country
  • 1 answers
Answer (i) Consumption Function, C = 500+ 0.4 Y where Y in the income in the economy.  At equilibrium,  AS=AD Y= C+I  => 5,000 = 500 + 0.4 (5,000) + I  => 5,000 = 500 + 2,000+ I => 5,000 = 2,500 + I => I = 5,000- 2,500 =  2,500. (ii) Consumption Function, C = 500 + 0.4 Y where Y in the income in the economy.  So at national income 5,000 , consumption expenditure is   C = 500+ 0.4 ( 5,000)      = 500 + 2,000     = 2,500
  • 3 answers

Leander Dsouza 4 years ago

A. False - These goods are used either for final consumption or for the investment. B. True - Gross Investment - Net Investment + Depreciation. Gross Investment is the sum total of Net Investment and Depreciation during an accounting year and is the total addition made to the physical stock of capital during an accounting period. It is also called capital formation. C.True - Net Factor Income from Abroad is negative when income earned by foreigners from our country is more than the income earned by us from abroad.
A. False, b. True, c. False bhi yaa sahi haa appcheck kar loo... ??

Yash Sharma 4 years ago

A. True B. False C.True
  • 2 answers
Padrhe ho tamanna

Utkarsh Soni 4 years ago

Saving function refers to the functional relationship between saving and income. The following steps shows the derivation of saving function. We know that, Y= C+S —— 1equ. And C = C— + ay ——2equ. Putting equ 2nd in equ 1st Y= C— + ay + S Y–ay = C— + S Y(1–ay) = C— + S S = –C— + (1–ay) Y Where Y = income C— = autonomous consumption (Y=0, C greater than 0) (1–a) MPS marginal propensity to consume.

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