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Yogita Ingle 3 years, 10 months ago

Home Science as a discipline aims to empower learners by developing understanding of five different areas namely:

  • Food and Nutrition
  • Human Development, Childhood Studies
  • Resource Management
  • Fabric and Apparel Science
  • Development Communications and Extension
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Yogita Ingle 3 years, 10 months ago


  1. Growth is quantitative.
  2. Increase in a country's real level of national output which can be caused by an increase in the quality of resources.
  3. Economic Growth can be measured by an increase in a country's gross domestic product.


  1. Development is quantitative and qualitative
  2. Increase in living standards
  3. Leads to the creation of more opportunities in the sectors of education, healthcare, employment
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Yogita Ingle 3 years, 10 months ago

Development is the pattern of progressive, orderly, and predictable changes that begin at conception and continue throughout life. Development mostly involves changes — both growth and decline, as observed during old age.

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Royal Thakur ? 3 years, 10 months ago

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Edward Gland 3 years, 10 months ago

Please go through the textbook and you'll find all the answers
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Sumiya Irshad 3 years, 10 months ago

Discuss any two mothods of chemical finishing
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Diksha Chauhan 3 years, 10 months ago

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Mayank Sharma 3 years, 11 months ago


? S. S. ? 3 years, 11 months ago

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John Tripura 3 years, 10 months ago

Dat definition bola tha

Chuingamwon At 3 years, 11 months ago

Himescience us the science of a home and it includes all the things that concern the person,home,family members and resources
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Sia ? 3 years, 5 months ago

One's own sense of individuality, personal characteristics, motivations, and actions. What we perceive ourselves to be. Evaluating ourselves in relation to our peers of similar status, similar characteristics, or similar qualities. The self-talk of intrapersonal communication.
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Gaurav Seth 3 years, 11 months ago


Self-concept is an individual’s overall perception of him or herself. It is usually the answer to the question, “Who am I?” Self-esteem on the other hand is an individual’s perception of his or own value, an answer to the question, “How much do I like myself?”


The notion of the existence and perception of self was first explored by philosopher Rene Descartes and modern conceptualizations of the self-concept was heavily influenced by Sigmund Freud. Ideas about self-esteem was first explored by William James with succeeding influence from humanistic ideas led by Carl Rogers

Leading theory

The most famous conceptualization and theory on self-concept is that of Carl Rogers while most influential on self-esteem is Abraham Maslow.


According to Carl Rogers, self-concept is composed of self-image, ideal self, and self-worth. Meanwhile, self-esteem is composed of successes and expectations, according to William James, while Nathaniel Branden theorizes that it is composed of self-efficacy and self-respect.

Influencing factors

Self-concept is influenced by biological and environmental factors including social interactions. Self-esteem is influenced the same and Carl Rogers proposes that it is also influenced by the congruence of the two other factors of self-concept which are self-image and ideal self.

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Gaurav Seth 3 years, 11 months ago

Let us begin by trying to understand the title of this subject — ‘Human Ecology and Family Sciences’ (HEFS). The dictionary explains the term ‘ecology’ in two ways. Firstly, it is referred to as a branch of Biology that deals with relations between living organisms and their environment. Secondly, it is stated to be a complex of relationships between an organism and its environment. Borrowing from biology, in our context, the ‘living organism’ is the human being, and hence the term ‘Human’ precedes ‘Ecology’.

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Mahek Rekhani 3 years, 11 months ago

Human ecology and family science
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Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

One's own sense of individuality, personal characteristics, motivations, and actions. What we perceive ourselves to be. Evaluating ourselves in relation to our peers of similar status, similar characteristics, or similar qualities. The self-talk of intrapersonal communication.

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Gaurav Seth 4 years ago

गृह विज्ञान दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है-‘गृह’ तथा ‘विज्ञान’। गृह का अर्थ है ‘घर’ और विज्ञान का अर्थ है ‘व्यवस्थित ज्ञान’। इस प्रकार, गृह विज्ञान का अर्थ गृह से सम्बन्धित विभिन्न पहलुओं; जैसे आवास, भोजन, वेशभूषा आदि का व्यवस्थित अध्ययन करना है। सर्वप्रथम गृह विज्ञान; अर्थशास्त्र की शाखा के रूप में अमेरिका में विकसित हुआ। अमेरिकन होम इकोनोमिक्स एसोसिएशन के अनुसार, “गृह-अर्थशास्त्र शिक्षा का विशिष्ट विषय है, जिसके अन्तर्गत आय-व्यय, भोजन की स्वच्छता एवं रुचिपूर्णता, वेशभूषा और आवास आदि के रुचिपूर्ण एवं उपयुक्त चुनाव तथा तैयारी और परिवार एवं अन्य मानव समुदायों द्वारा उनके उपयोग का अध्ययन किया जाता है।” समय के साथ-साथ इस विषय ने अधिक व्यापक रूप धारण कर ( लिया तथा इसमें शरीर विज्ञान, स्वास्थ्य एवं रोगाणु विज्ञान, आहार एवं पोषण तथा पर्यावरण सम्बन्धी महत्त्वपूर्ण विषय भी सम्मिलित किए गए हैं।

जापान में इस विषय को गृह-प्रशासन के नाम से जाना जाता है। गुड जॉनसन के अनुसार, “गृह व्यवस्था सामान्य देशों में अत्यधिक सामान्य व्यवस्था है जिसमें अधिकांश व्यक्ति कार्यरत होते हैं तथा अधिकतर धन का उपयोग किया जाता है और यह व्यक्तियों के स्वास्थ्य की दृष्टि से अत्यन्त महत्त्वपूर्ण है।”

‘गृह विज्ञान’ नामक विषय को कुछ अन्य नामों से भी जाना जाता है; जैसे कि ‘गृह विज्ञान तथा गृह-कला’ (Home Science and Household Art), ‘घरेलू विज्ञान एवं गृह-कला’ (Domestic Science and Home Craft) गृह विज्ञान के विस्तृत विषय-क्षेत्र को ध्यान में रखते हुए इस विषय की एक ब्यवस्थित परिभाषा इन शब्दों में प्रस्तुत की जा सकती है

“गृह विज्ञान वह सामाजिक विज्ञान है जो घर-परिवार से सम्बन्धित समस्त आवश्यकताओं एवं योजनाओं का व्यवस्थित अध्ययन करता है तथा पारिवारिक सुख-सुविधाओं में वृद्धि करने के लिए सैद्धान्तिक एवं व्यावहारिक ज्ञान प्रदान करता है।”

गृह विज्ञान की एक परिभाषा दिल्ली के लेडी इरविन कॉलेज के “गृह विज्ञान संस्थान’ ने इन शब्दों में प्रस्तुत की है, ”गृह विज्ञान वह व्यावहारिक विज्ञान है जो अपने अध्ययनकर्ताओं को सफल पारिवारिक जीवन व्यतीत करने, सामाजिक तथा आर्थिक समस्याओं को हल करने और सुखमय जीवन-यापन करने की दशाओं का ज्ञान कराता है।”

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Yogita Ingle 4 years ago

Different aspects of care and maintenance of fabrics are as follows:

• We have to maintain our fabrics clean and good condition so we have to be washed, dried and ironed regularly for a good appearance.

• we have so many different fabrics those are cotton, Linen, Silk, Polyester, Wool and etc.

• we should wash cotton cloths with care and attention.

• Use a delicate detergent and low spin speed for linen cloths.

• Some wool clothes should be dry cleaned, while others can go for into gentle, quick wash.

• Silk fabrics wash separately because they are quite delicate and dry at low temperatures.

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