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Pawni Chaudhary 5 years ago

Economic Importance of Gymnosperms: 1. Ornamental value: A number of gymnosperms are grown as ornamental plants, e.g., Cycas, Araucaria, Thuja etc. 2. Food Value: i. ‘Sago’ starch obtained from pith and cortex of stem of C. revolute, C. rumphi etc. ii. ‘Seed starch’ obtained from seeds of Cycas rumphii, Dioon edule etc. It is prepared into flour and cooked before eating. iii. Seeds of Pinus gerardiana (chilgoza) are edible. iv. ‘Kaffir bread’ prepared from the stem pith of Encephalartos. v. Young leaves of Cycas cooked as vegetables. 3. Medicinal value: i. Ephedrine (alkaloid) extracted from Ephedra used in treating asthma, cough, cold, bronchitis etc.

Yogita Ingle 5 years ago

(a) Construction purposes: Many conifers such as pine, cedar, etc., are sources of the soft wood used in construction and packing.

(b) Medicinal uses: An anticancer drug Taxol is obtained from Taxus. Many species of Ephedra produce ephedrine, which can be used in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis.

(c) Food source: The seeds of Pinus gerardiana (known as chilgoza) are edible.

(d) Source of resins: Resins are used commercially for manufacturing sealing waxes and water-proof paints. A type of resin known as turpentine is obtained from various species of Pinus.

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?Garima Sharma? 5 years ago

Floral formula is edited from syllabus and floral diagram also

Mehak Gautam 5 years ago

Chapter 7,6 all diagram are compulsory , chapter 5 parts of flowering plant , the region of root tip, types of aestivation in corolla , types of placentation , structure of monocotyledonous seed , floral diagram with floral formula .Chapter 4 dioploblastic and triploblastic germinal layers , all types of coelom. Chapter 3 bryophytes , algae. Chapter 2 eubacteria , tobacco mosaic virus and bacteriophage.......... Don't forget to look after each and every topic and diagram given in ncert textbook and hope this list will help.
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Yogita Ingle 5 years ago

Primary Metabolites:
1.These are the metabolites which have identifiable metabolism functions and play a specific role in the metabolism.
2.These are important in human metabolic processes. e g Amino acids, sugars.
Secondary Metabolites:
1.These are the metabolites formed during metabolism, whose role or exact functions in the tissue are not . known.
2.These are useful to human .e.g., Alkaloids, flavonoids

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?Garima Sharma? 5 years ago

Chapter 1 to 8 in government schools but their are some added chapters in privste schools ??????
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Mehabub Hassan 5 years ago

Prophase1 is divided into five sub phases 1)Laptotene:In laptotene stage the chromatin condensed to form chromosome.The chromosome are clearly visible under microscope. 2)Zygotene:In this stage pairing of chromosome takes place which is called synapses and the structure is called biovaplent 3)Pachytene:In this stage the non sister chromatids are attached to each other and exchange their DNA which is called crossing over 4) Diplotene:In this stage after exchanging the genetic material the non sister chromatids are separated.Here the nuclear membrane and disappearing 5)Diakinesis:diakinesis is the last stage of prophase 1. the nuclear membrane and nucleolus is completely disappeared .Centriole moves to the opposite pole.
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Yogita Ingle 5 years ago

  • The plant is described beginning with its habit, vegetative characters such as roots, stem and leaves and then floral characters inflorescence and flower parts.
  • After describing various parts of plant, a floral diagram and a floral formula are presented, which is represented by some symbols.
  • In the floral formula, Br stands for bracteate K stands for calyx , C for corolla, P for perianth, A for androecium and G for Gynoecium, G for superior ovary and G for inferior ovary, for male, for female , ⊕ for actinomorphic and for zygomorphic nature of flower.
  • Fusion is indicated by enclosing the figure within bracket and adhesion by a line drawn above the symbols of the floral parts.
  • A floral diagram provides information about the number of parts of a flower, their arrangement and the relation they have with one another.
  • The position of the mother axis with respect to the flower is represented by a dot on the top of the floral diagram.
  • Calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium are drawn in successive whorls, calyx being the outermost and the gynoecium being in the centre.
  • Floral formula also shows cohesion and adhesion within parts of whorls and in between whorls.
  • 4 answers

Pawni Chaudhary 5 years ago

Stomata are tiny pores present in the epidermis of leaves and helps in exchange of gases

Mehabub Hassan 5 years ago

Strometa::-there are some pores present in the epidermirs of leaves which helps in gaseous exchange that is transpiration occurs through this pores .stomata consists of a pair of specialised cell called guard cell

Nisha Butar 5 years ago

Stomata help leaves in exchange of gase and also help in remove extra water and extra metarial
Helps in the respiration
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Mehabub Hassan 5 years ago

1) virus can causes diseases in animals and plants. But viroids can causes disease only plants 2)Virus have protein coat but viroids do not have protein coat 3)Virus has genetic materials DNA orRNA.But Viroids have only RNA 3)Virus is larger than viroids but viroids is smaller than virus
  • 4 answers

Tanashri Wagh 5 years ago

International code for zoological nomenclature

Nisha Butar 5 years ago

International Code for Zoological Nomenclatur.

Neha Gupta 5 years ago

Yha plants ka nomenclature kiya jata hai
International code of zoological nomenclature
  • 2 answers

Pawni Chaudhary 5 years ago

Seeds persue single cotyledon are monocot seeds and seeds which having 2 cotyledons are dicot seeds

Nisha Butar 5 years ago

Those seeds which having the one/single coteledon are called monocot/monocoteledon.ex-wheat,rice,maize,etc Those seeds which having two coteledon are called dicoteledon.ex-gram,pea,etc.
  • 4 answers

Pawni Chaudhary 5 years ago

Archaebacteria are primitive type of bacteria which can live on extreme of environmental condition

Mehabub Hassan 5 years ago

Archaebacteria are called primative bacteria.They can be present in extreme condition. There are three types of archaebacteria a) Methanogen:This bacteria is present in cowdung.They produces methane gas b)Thermoacidophilic:-This Bacteria can present in high temperature found in hot springs C) Halophilic:This bacteria is present in salty area

Nisha Butar 5 years ago

Archebacteria is an example of monera which is found in salty water,swamps,gut of cattle,termites.These are microscopic and prokaryotic

Kuki Reddi 5 years ago

type of monera
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Pawni Chaudhary 5 years ago

Cyanobacteria Archaebacteria Actinomyto Mycoplasma Ricketsia
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Pawni Chaudhary 5 years ago

Coz algae is microscopic and lived in colony

Nisha Butar 5 years ago

Because algae is microscopic and lived in colony .
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The Hammer 5 years ago

Class 11 means for class 11 And class 12 means for class 12
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Pawni Chaudhary 5 years ago

Taxonomic studies consider a grp of individual organisms with fundamental similarities as a species
Group of similar type of organism which can interbread together and produce fertile ofspring
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Pawni Chaudhary 5 years ago

Cell which have developed nucleus ,cytoplasm and membrane bounded well develop cell organelles
Cell having well developed nucleus cytoplasm and membrane bounded well develop cell organells
  • 2 answers

Pawni Chaudhary 5 years ago

Dorsiventral leaves are found in dicots . The vertical section of a dorsiventral leaf contains three distinct parts 1 epidermis 2 mesophyll 3 vascular system

Yogita Ingle 5 years ago

Dorsiventral leaves are found in dicots. The vertical section of a dorsiventral leaf contains three distinct parts.

[1] Epidermis: Epidermis is present on both the upper surface (adaxial epidermis) and the lower surface (abaxial epidermis). The epidermis on the outside is covered with a thick cuticle. Abaxial epidermis bears more stomata than the adaxial epidermis.
[2] Mesophyll: Mesophyll is a tissue of the leaf present between the adaxial and abaxial epidermises. It is differentiated into the palisade parenchyma (composed of tall, compactly-placed cells) and the spongy parenchyma (comprising oval or round, loosely-arranged cells with inter cellular spaces). Mesophyll contains the chloroplasts which perform the function of photosynthesis.

[3] Vascular system: The vascular bundles present in leaves are conjoint and closed. They are surrounded by thick layers of bundle-sheath cells.

  • 3 answers

Pawni Chaudhary 5 years ago

Make correction : it is metaxylem not mataxylem

Pawni Chaudhary 5 years ago

First formed xylem elements are called protoxylem , while the later formed primary xylem is called metaxylem

Yogita Ingle 5 years ago

The first formed xylem elements are called protoxylem, while the later formed primary xylem is called metaxylem.

  • In stems, the protoxylem lies towards the centre (pith) and the metaxylem lies towards the periphery of the organ, this type of primary xylem is called endarch.
  • In roots, the protoxylem lies towards periphery and metaxylem lies towards the centre, such arrangement of primary xylem is called exarch.
  • 2 answers

Pawni Chaudhary 5 years ago

Taxnomical hierarchy refers putting up of the taxanomic categories in a logical sequence called taxonomic hierarchy

Raina Ahlawat 5 years ago

Putting up of the taxanomic categories in a logical sequence called taxonomic hierarchy
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Debashrita Dash 5 years ago

mitosis is equational division whereas meiosis is reductional division.
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Pawni Chaudhary 5 years ago

S phase

Vishesh Motwani 5 years ago

S phase of interkinesis

Mohammad Amaan 5 years ago

DNA replication takes place in 'S' Phase (of interphase).

Gaurav Seth 5 years ago

Cell division is a very important process in all living organisms. During the division of a cell, DNA replication and cell growth also take place. All these processes, i.e., cell division, DNA replication, and cell growth, hence, have to take place in a coordinated way to ensure correct division and formation of progeny cells containing intact genomes.

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Sia ? 5 years ago

Plasmolysis is when plant cells lose water after being placed in a solution that has a higher concentration of solutes than the cell does. This is known as a hypertonic solution. Water flows out of the cells and into the surrounding fluid due to osmosis.

Mohammad Amaan 5 years ago

When plant cell loses water through osmosis, the content of cell(including cell membrane )shrinks away from the cell wall , this process is known as plasmolysis. It is a reversible process.
  • 1 answers

Meghna Thapar 4 years, 3 months ago


  1. Its functions include the storage, modification and packaging of products in vesicles.
  2. In some cases, complex sugars may be made from simple sugars in the Golgi apparatus.
  3. The Golgi apparatus is also involved in the formation of lysosomes, cell wall and plasma membrane.
  • 2 answers

Mohammad Amaan 5 years ago

GLYCOSYDIC BOND: It is the bond linking the monosaccharides(monomers) in polysaccharides(polymer). It is also formed by dehydration.

Mohammad Amaan 5 years ago

Peptide bond : This bond forms between the amino group of one amino acid and the carboxlic group of another amino acid with the removal of water.Hence it is formwd by dehydration.(H--N--H------------OH--C--O), Phosphodiester bond: A phosphate group is connected with the 5th carbon of one ribose sugar(in nucleotide) to the 3rd carbon of another ribose sugar(in anothe nucleotide) , the bond between phoshate group and the sugar is known as ester bond and there are two such ester bonds,So it is called Phosphodiester bond. It is also formed by dehydration.
  • 1 answers

Sia ? 5 years ago

Plant reproductive system, any of the systems, sexual or asexual, by which plants reproduce. In plants, as in animals, the end result of reproduction is the continuation of a given species, and the ability to reproduce is, therefore, rather conservative, or given to only moderate change, during evolution.

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Unnati Pragya 5 years ago

Saturated fatty acid -Do not have double bond -high melting point that is why are solid room temperature 20 degree Celsius -All animal fats are example of fatty acid Unsaturated fatty acid -one or more double bond -low melting point that is hence are liquid in state oil -with the increase in the number of a bond the melting point decrease
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Sia ? 5 years ago

Anaphase of Mitosis Anaphase I of Meiosis
1. The centromere of every chromosome divides. 1. The centromere do not divide.
2. Separation of sister chromatids takes place. 2. Homologus chromosome are separated.
3. Only one chromatids of every chromosome moves to the pole (now called daughter chromosome). 3. Each homologous pair of chromosomes moves to the pole with both the chromatids.
4. The chromatids moving to one pole are genetically identical to those moving to the opposite pole (Before separation, these are sister chromatids held at a common centromere). 4. The chromosomes moving to one pole are not genetically indentical to those moving to the opposite pole.
  • 1 answers

Meghna Thapar 4 years, 3 months ago

The Golgi apparatus was first described by Camillo Golgi. Golgi apparatus consists of a set of membrane-bounded, fluid filled vesicles, vacuoles and flattened cisternae. Cisternae are usually stacked together (placed one above the other) in parallel rows. Golgi apparatus exists as an extensive network near the nucleus in the animal cells. However, the plant cells contain many freely distributed subunits of Golgi apparatus, called dictyosomes. The Golgi apparatus arises from the membrane of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, which in turn, originates from the rough endoplasmic reticulum.

  • 2 answers

Pawni Chaudhary 5 years ago

U can take help of u tube

Mehak Gautam 5 years ago

Hey , you can find it in your ncert biology textbook with brief explanation hope it help

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