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Throw light on the origin and …



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Throw light on the origin and development of Rajasthani School of Miniature Painting and the aesthetic qualities practiced by its Sub Schools. Based on aesthetic parameters, elaborate the painting ‘Krishna on Swing’ observed by you.
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Gitasha Thakur 11 months ago

Origin and development :- Rajasthan school did not originate as miniature but it was primarily a mural art . Rajasthani school of art was developed under the rule of Rajput kings so it is called Rajput art . A number of paintings are done on romance and general folk theme. Rajasthan was affect by the attack of mughals but Mewar did not come under the rule of mughals . This is the reason that Rajasthani school of art was first flourished in Mewar and later on in Jaipur, jodhpur, Ambar , kishangarh, bikaner, kota bundi , and other places of Rajasthan. Mewar has an important role in development of Rajasthani school of art. It is the mixture of Gujarat and jain school along with the original Indian art . It is the purest form of Indian art. Even today Nathdwara paintings are very famous , more of the paintings were done on the love secene of Radha and Krishna. The estate which was inherited by kishan singh the eighth son of Raja udai singh of jodhpur is known as kishangarh. This state is surrounded by Jaipur, jodhpur, ajmer . The place pf kishan singh is located on the bank of beautiful lake .

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