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1. Why did jumman and algu …



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1. Why did jumman and algu ,the two good friends become enemies
  • 3 answers

Nikita Nagaraj Raykar 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Algu and Jumman were best friends till Algu was nominated as head panch. He asked Jumman either pay the allowance to his aunt or transfer the property to her name. Jumman was stunned. He became Algu's enemy. He decided to take revenge on Algu.

Sarthak Upadhyay 5 months ago

Jumman and Algu were best friends till Algu took a decision fair but it went against Jumman. Jumman got very upset and started considering Algu as his enemy.

Dinesh Raj 5 months, 1 week ago

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