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Krishna went to visit a blind …



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Krishna went to visit a blind school as a part of their social service and moral education class. He/She was so touched by the experience that he/she decided to share his/her feelings in a diary entry. Using the suggested vocabulary and value points given below and your own ideas. Write the diary entry in about 100-120 words.
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Dikshika Rathi 1 year, 1 month ago

Wednesday, 25 January, 9:50 pm, Dear Diary, Today was a transformative day as I visited a blind school for our social service and moral education class. The resilience and determination of the students left an indelible mark on my heart. Witnessing their unwavering spirit to learn and excel despite the challenges was truly inspiring. The teachers' dedication was commendable, fostering an environment of warmth and encouragement. Interacting with the students, I realized the power of empathy and the importance of inclusivity. Their optimism in the face of adversity taught me profound lessons about gratitude and resilience. I am motivated to contribute more to society and spread awareness about the abilities and potential of differently-abled individuals. This experience has enriched my understanding of compassion and reinforced the significance of kindness in our lives. Gratefully, Krishna

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