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Write an easy of the origin …



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Write an easy of the origin and development of mughal's school
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Athokpam Abhijeet 1 year, 2 months ago

Hey (with rizz) here's your answer to the following question Mughal evolution of miniature and Painting was originated in Persia and continued for about three centuries in India. The tradition of miniature painting went on from one generation to another with fresh touch. The first Mughal emperor was Babur who was a man of aesthetic sensibilities. His son Humayun patronized the art of miniature painting and brought a few Persian artists to India. Notable names were Abdus Samad, Mir Sayyid Ali. It was from these artists that Humayun and his son Akbar took lessons in drawing. The first major works of Mughal miniature were probably begun under Humayun but was completed under Akbar. During his period miniature paintings were lively and realistic and even contain of individual portraiture. After Akbar his son Jahangir became the emperor. In his time Mughal paintings achieved its Zenith, both as decorative art and the nature study. Farukh Baigh, Aqua Raja, Ustad Mansur were main painters in Jahangir's studio. Most of the paintings were executed in tempera technique in Shah Jahan's period. There were tremendous uses of gold with lot of decoration keeping the Mughal style. The Awadh School developed a style of its own.

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