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Summary the kingdom of fools



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Summary the kingdom of fools
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Shresth Verma 1 year, 4 months ago

In the Kingdom of Fools In the Kingdom of Fools is an interesting story by Indian writer A. K. Ramanujan. He has written stories in Kannada and English language. This story talks about the Kingdom of Fools. The kingdom is ruled by a foolish king and he has a foolish minister. In order to create some change and make a Kingdom different from others, the king and his minister decide to complete all the day's work at night and vice versa. Summary One day a guru and his disciple visit this Kingdom and see how the people and even animals were trained to do work during the night and sleep the whole day. At night when they started roaming in the kingdom they were surprised because everything in the kingdom was cheap and of the same cost, that is a single duddu. Guru was a vice person. He immediately left the kingdom but his disciple was a food lover. By seeing the environment of the kingdom and because everything was cheap and of the same cost, he decided to stay there even despite the warning of the guru. One day a thief broke into a rich merchant's house. He was about to steal things but the wall of the house collapsed and he died. The brother of the thief pleaded to the King to punish the merchant for building a weak wall. After such demand the king tried the merchant. He heard the case and decided to punish the merchant but the merchant put the blame on the bricklayer for building such a weak wall. Then the bricklayer pleaded with the king to punish the dancing girl who distracted him during the building of the wall. The dancing girl put the blame on the goldsmith and the goldsmith blamed the rich merchant's father for ordering jewellery for the wedding ceremony in his family. After all the trials, the king decided that the merchant is the real culprit and he decided to punish him. The stake designed for the punishment was not suitable for the merchant who was too thin so the King decided to let him go and punish the man who is fat and fits in the stake. The king's men searched for the fat man for the punishment and he found that the guru's disciple who had become fat, fits for the punishment. That time he remembered his guru's wise words that these people are fools and unpredictable, it could be dangerous. He remembers his guru who saw everything by his vision; the guru then arrived in the kingdom and created a drama. The guru told the king that this stake has some special power. Whoever punished first on this would be the king in his next life and the second one will be his minister so first punish me and then my disciple After guru's words the king was surprised and decided to hold the punishment and later discussed all this with his minister. Later they secretly freed the guru and his disciple and executed themselves. The people now made the guru and his disciples their king and minister.

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