Class - IX
Subject -English
Autumn Break Holiday Homework
1) Write Diary entries for the following topics
i)You recently visited the 24th Crafts Mela at Suraj Kund, Faridabad. It was Mini India assembled at one place. Using the hints, make a diary entry of what you saw and experienced there.
ii)You paid a visit to an ‘Old Home’ with other N.S.S. Volunteers. Using the hints given below together with your own ideas, make a diary entry of what you saw and experienced there.
Hints: • Old home • Mostly senior citizens above 60 • Peaceful surroundings • Spacious • Clean rooms and baths • Regular Medical check-ups • a good library • Means of recreation • A home away from home.
iii)While going home you came across many children on the roads at crossroads with begging bowls in their hands. Your are shocked and disgusted at this unflattering picture of a country which boasts of being a major economy in the world. Record your experience in your diary.
2) Write short Stories on the following topics
i)Aradhna started writing a story of ‘Two Boys in a Jungle’. Due to the pressure of heavy engagements, you gave up, after writing a line or so. Taking help from the input given below and basing on the introduction Aradhna made, develop a complete story.
ii)Sneha wanted to write a story but could not go beyond a line or two. Taking help from ,the information given below along with the lines Sneha wrote a complete story.
Mr. Aggarwal was a very wealthy businessman. One day he was alone sitting at his dining table when…
Outline: Thief entered…….. Mr. Aggarwal thanked……… to give company……. birthday ……. gave him good food and drinks…….. gave a purse full of silver coins………… years passed by……. fortunes changed…….. business was ruined……… Mr. Aggarwal became poor……. 50th birthday……….. alone……. no food………. no drinks…….. bell rang …….. a man emerged…….. recognised…….. the old thief…….. came with fruits, sweets and drinks and a bag full of money.
iii)Renuka started writing a short story. However, due to an unavoidable reason, she had to give it up after writing a few lines. Taking help from the input given below and using the beginning Renuka made, write a complete story.
Raghu and Raj were two friends and neighbours. Raghu had a servant named Ramu. The name of Raj’s servant was Shammu …
Outline: Both servants foolish……. two friends debated…….. who is more foolish?……. Ramu or Shammu?…… decided to give a test………. Raghu told Ramu “Run back to my house to find out if I am there or not”…. Ramu rushed home……. Raj told Shammu……. Go to your room and find out if you are there or not.” Ramu and Shammu returned …….. Ramu complained…….. wasted time……… master could have phoned to find himself….. Shammu reported…….. he was not in the room……. nothing to choose between them.
3) Write Figure of speech with two examples each
4) Write definitions with examples on the following topics
Subject -Verb concord
Direct and indirect speech
5) Learn all the syllabus which we have completed
Posted by Chhavi Sharma
1 year, 4 months ago