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Write the character sketch of Santosh …



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Write the character sketch of Santosh Yadav
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Shresth Verma 1 year, 4 months ago

Santosh Yadav was born in a small village of Haryana. She was a determined, considerate, polite and hardworking girl. Even in her childhood, she loved to live in her own way. When she was sixteen, her parents wanted to have her married. But Santosh firmly refused to marry. She was a rebel who did not want to follow the traditional ways of living. She decided to become a mountaineer in her life. She developed a remarkable resistance to cold climate and high altitude that is required for mountaineering. She was the first woman, in the world to scale the Mountain peak twice in the same calendar year. She proved herself repeatedly because of her iron will, physical endurance and amazing mental toughness. She emphasizes the importance of teamwork and expresses concern for the welfare of her fellow climbers. She was a fervent environmentalist who brought 500 kgs of garbage from the Himalayas. She was awarded with the Padmashri for her achievements. She is now an officer in Indo-Tibetan Border police force.

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