ead the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that (
e seasonal problem of water taps running dry is plaguing most of t ( igger rivers flowing in trickles and ponds and wells reduced to clay (d) looks into the te areas have to fetch every drop of water for drinking, cooking, wh distances This has only worsened a perennial problem, that of widespre (a) Number of c ering it unfit for human consumption. The monsoons and the attendant problem
The bill mention
a) creates financ
(b) creates Centr
c) looks into the
According to the
The Delhi Administration is seriously worried about the threat to civic (c) Legal punish uted waters of the Yamuna. Two main tanks are to be set up to treat sea Plaguing in the per cent of the 200 million gallons of the city's sewage receives any kind of (a) causing trou (a) Amendment lumped into the river which supplies water not only to this city but to in (c) avoiding ages downstream. The Ganga, the Yamuna, the Kaveri, in fact all our impo any urban conglomerations, are fast becoming a major source of diseases
Which problem
A comprehensive bill introduced in the Parliament recently, envisages the s d state boards for the prevention and control of water pollution. But it will c me before legislation is passed and effectively implemented. Meanwhile the swell According to a survey of eight dwelling countries conducted a coun Choose the op 0 per cent of all child deaths were due to water borne diseases. It is the same oday
In a country like India, a burgeoning population continuing to use the op avatory means that with every dust storm and rain, human excreta laden with gr find the way to ponds, shallow wells and even the streams and rivers. Only 15 pe folk have access to potable water
5. A new threat that has already assumed alarming proportions is from industr generally dumped untreated into the nearest river. For instance, for every kilogra 30-40 tres of foul smelling waste water has to be disposed off There are at l tanneries in the organised sector. Putrefied paper and jute waste, metallic waste f and textile mills sulphur, ammonia. urea, metallic salts and corrosive acids all fint wwers of India
6. It important not only to make new laws to ensure the purity of water but a urgency of implementing them ruthlessly, if we are to avoid a national health dis the barrier between towns and countryside
(a) try to obtai (c) cause wate
(a) Garbage (c) Wasted
Which of the f
1 Zero ground 2. Lack of pot
3. Lack of the
4 tamuna is
5 Open untre
(a) 1, 3 and 5
(c) 1, 2 and 5
The Delhi Adr
(a) threat to (b) the rivers
(c) lack of m
(d) Both (a)
What is the This has on
What does
Gran an
Mention th
(c) Decreasing p
is passe
Multiple Choice Questions
The most sopropriate title for the passage in The Inevitable Evil of Pollution
(b) Water Scarcity
(d) Tackling Water Pollution
Posted by Sachin Verma
1 year, 8 months ago
Sachin Verma 1 year, 8 months ago
2Thank You