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What is the role of blood …



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What is the role of blood in our body
  • 3 answers

Preeti Dabral 2 years, 2 months ago

Main Functions of blood:

  1. Oxygen carrier: With the help of haemoglobin in the RBCs, O2 is transported to various tissues.
  2. Removal of CO2: Blood plasma contains Na2CO3 which absorbs CO2 to form NaHCO3 which on decomposition gives CO2 with the lungs from where it is thrown out.
  3. Transport of food material: The digested food materials are assimilated by the blood in liquid form from the intestine and is taken by the blood to various tissues.
  4. Removal of waste material: Blood helps to discharge the metabolic waste from the body.
  5. Transport of other substances: Hormones and the antitoxins are circulated by the blood to the desired sites.
  6. Clotting of blood: Blood helps in its clotting so that most of its parts remain intact in the body. 

Hari 2 years, 1 month ago

BLOOD💉 Blood is a red coloured liquid it contains the following RBC: RBC or red blood cells it is used to carry oxygen to all parts and cells in our body it circulates all around our body WBC: WBC or white blood cells It helps us to fight against the germs that may enter our body Platelets platelets help in clotting of blood .

Krisha Raj 2 years, 2 months ago

Blood brings oxygen and nutrients to all the parts of the body so they can keep working. Blood carries carbon dioxide and other waste materials to the lungs, kidneys, and digestive system to be removed from the body. Main Functions of blood: Oxygen carrier: With the help of haemoglobin in the RBCs, O2 is transported to various tissues. Removal of CO2: Blood plasma contains Na2CO3 which absorbs CO2 to form NaHCO3 which on decomposition gives CO2 with the lungs from where it is thrown out. Transport of food material: The digested food materials are assimilated by the blood in liquid form from the intestine and is taken by the blood to various tissues. Removal of waste material: Blood helps to discharge the metabolic waste from the body. Transport of other substances: Hormones and the antitoxins are circulated by the blood to the desired sites. Clotting of blood: Blood helps in its clotting so that most of its parts remain intact in the body.

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