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Line Graph UK Fast Food Consumption …



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Line Graph UK Fast Food Consumption  Save Y axis shows consumption in grams; x axis shows time period The graph gives information about the consumption of fast food (in grams per week), in the UK from 1970 to 1990.    The line graph illustrates the total consumption of these fast foods in the time period of 20 years between 1970-1990. Overall, it can be seen that hamburger is the favourite fast food between high and average income groups and that its consumption has gotten a sharp rise over the time span of 20 years. Hamburger is the highly consumed food in high and average income groups where it costs 40 and 32 pence per week respectively. Contrary, in low income group, more money is spent on fish and chips . Pizza expenditure has a gradual falling trend from high to low income groups . On the other hand, the line graph depicts that fish and chips were the highly consumed fast food in 1970, consumption 300 gms but with the passage of time, its consumption showed a gradual descending trend till 1990 when it reached around 200gms. While hamburger and pizza showed increasing trend, in which hamburger showed an abrupt rise and reached at 500 gms till 1990. Pizza consumption took a steep rise and could just reach at 220 gms which is the same as the most lowest level of fish and chips consumption. Question 1.1 Which food item is preferred  maximum by the  low income groups? a)fish and chips       b)pizza and fish c)hamburger and chips d)hamburger and pizza   QUESTION 1.2 Based on the above line graph the consumption of fish and chips showed a gradual descending trend between ____________and ___________________ years a) 1969 and 1990 b) 1970and 1979 c)1971 and 1989 c)1970 and 1990   QUESTION 1.3 What is the falling trend of pizza expenditure among the two income groups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 1.4 Do you think this survey would affect the consumer behaviour. Give reasons.
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