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When the government need money, it …



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When the government need money, it can take it from the RBI .explain the function performed by RBI in this case .
  • 5 answers

Pranchal Balecha 3 years, 11 months ago

Central Bank / RBI is an apex body that controls directs and regulates the entire cross section of the society The function that RBI performs are :- 1. Currency Authority :- The Finance minister print and regulates the one rupees note and coins and rest rupees bears by the signature of the RBI . 2. Bankers to the Bank :- A. Banker to the government :- ? It maintain current account . ?It receipts and make payment for the government and carry out exchanged remmitances for the government temporary period . ? It gives loan for the government temporary periods . The government sells it's Treasury bills and securities . B. As an agent :- It helps in maintaining public debts. C. As an financial advisors :- It advances government for political , social , economical time . 3. Bankers bank and supervisor :- ? Custodian of cash reserve ?Legal lender of last resort 4. Controller of money supplier and credit :- ? Bank rate ?Repo rate ?Reverse Repo rate ?open Market operation Legal reserve Ratio ? Cash reserve ratio ?statutory liquidity ratio ? Margin Requirement

Cute Girl 3 years, 11 months ago

Government's bank

Utkarsh Soni 3 years, 11 months ago

Btw it's not come in any function of RBI. If you have doubt on it then you can google it also.

Utkarsh Soni 3 years, 11 months ago

Central Bank is a banker to the government. As a banker to the government it manages accounts of the government. As a agent to the government, it buys and sells securities on behalf of the government. As an advisor to the government, it frames policies to regulate the money market.

?????? ???? . 3 years, 11 months ago

This statement represents the function of BANKER OF GOVERNMENT

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