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Explain the consumption function, with the …



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Explain the consumption function, with the help of a schedule and diagram.
  • 1 answers

Preeti Dabral 3 years, 8 months ago

The functional relationship between the consumption expenditure and income is known as consumption function Symbolically,
C=f (Y), Which is read as 'Consumption is a function of income'
Consumption function in terms of an algebraic expression can be written as
C={tex}\overline C{/tex}+bY

C=Consumption expenditure
{tex}\overline C{/tex}=Autonomous consumption at zero levels of income
b=Marginal Propensity to Consume
Let us understand it with the help of a schedule and diagram.

<th scope="col">Consumption (C)</th> <th scope="col">Income (Y)</th> <th scope="col">Marginal Propensity to Consume =
100 0 - - -
170 100 0.7 70 100
240 200 0.7 70 100
310 300 0.7 70 100
380 400 0.7 70 100
450 500 0.7 70 100

The point B represents the break even point where the consumption expenditure equals the income. To the left of point B, consumption is greater than income and to the right of point B, consumption is less than income.

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