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what is the main difference between …



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what is the main difference between solution and mixture
  • 1 answers

Gaurav Seth 4 years, 4 months ago

Mixture Solution
In a mixture, substances are generally just mixed and are not completely dissolved. In a solution, substances are dissolved completely and they cannot be filtered out.
Mixture comprises two or three compounds that aren’t fused chemically. They have no physical interactions. A solution contains two substances that are chemically mixed to form a new compound.
The chemical properties of each substances are retained without change. Chemical properties usually changes.
The amount of substances in a mixture can vary and amounts don’t have a fixed ratio. A solution usually has a fixed ratio or amount of substances.
Mixtures can be classified primarily into two groups, namely homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures. A solution is a type of a homogeneous mixture.

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