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Explain different kinds of online threats.



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Explain different kinds of online threats.
  • 4 answers

A N Rahul 3 years, 11 months ago

Sorry for the paragraph. These are the most reported online threats :- Malware Any kind of software designed to annoy or harm the users is considered malware. The name is short for malicious software. Hacker Skilled programmers using their coding knowledge for bad deeds are better known as hackers. By using scripts or malware they access data of users for fun, financial gain or some other harm. With the help of malicious applications, they develop themselves, hackers may come to one’s personal information or some other details that can harm. Computer Virus Just like biological ones, PC viruses also enter one’s system unnoticed with a goal to take control over it. Computer viruses can be complex malicious programs or just pieces of code designed to make a mess. The greatest threat of virus is its capability to copy itself and to spread to other computers. Besides that, virus always attacks vulnerable parts of one’s PC until it takes over the whole system. Computer Worm One of the nastiest malware one can get to his/her PC is a computer worm. This malicious application self-replicates all until one’s computer is impossible to use. Trojan Just like the epic Trojan horse, its malware namesake was designed to fool its victims. You can get a Trojan almost anywhere, from your downloads and emails to all kinds of different content. Trojan is designed that way to make you think it is helping you with some task but instead is causing harm or stealing data from your PC. Ransomware Ransomware is a literal kidnap of your PC remotely. Hackers use codes to lock your computer. If you want to unlock it ransom has to be paid. Getting to this kind of situation is tricky and by all means unpleasant. Spyware Any type of malware that collects personal information, browsing history, and one’s surfing habits is considered a spyware. Its name comes from a great ability to hide. First of all, collected information is shared with the third parties and then it gets abused. Adware Most of the adware are safe and consist of annoying pop-ups showing on your computer and browser. Adware is a type of free software supported by advertisement. The danger of adware reflects in the possibility of one being tracked through websites he/she visits. In the worst case, his/her personal information could be gathered through adware. Browser Hijack Browser hijack is a malware program that makes your PC develop a mind of its own by taking you to websites you have no intention to go to. In the same time, this malware alters your browser setting in order to lower your security level. Keylogger One of the most malicious software nowadays is the keylogger. An app capable of recording every letter one types while online. Every record is then being sent to keylogger’s creator which can analyze and use this data to retrieve one’s credentials, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, emails, etc. all in order to steal his/her identity. Rootkit One’s PC can be used remotely by hackers if it’s infected by the rootkit. The application may come from different sources. It allows a full access to one’s data, information, etc. The attack comes from the distance, with PC’s owner totally unaware of that. Scam Thanks to phishing and social engineering cyber-criminals successfully scam people in order to gain money. Every suspicious offer that includes financial gain for the user can be a scam. By offering free stuff, credit cards or lottery criminals get the financial information of their victims. With personal information and bank records, even beginner hackers can steal from common users

A N Rahul 3 years, 11 months ago

These are the most reported online threats Malware Any kind of software designed to annoy or harm the users is considered malware. The name is short for malicious software. Once active, malware is using one’s computer without him/her knowing. Trojan horses, spyware, adware, ransomware, phishing, viruses, worms, rootkits, and browser hijackers are all types of malware. Malware is usually picked up from the internet or through one’s email. Anything that one downloads from the internet can have hidden malware inside. Another source of malware can be hacked website commonly visited by the users. If a PC is underperforming, often crashes or shows a bunch of pop-ups it’s probably infected. By not opening suspicious emails from unidentified sources the user can decrease the chances of being infected. The best solution for both removal and prevention is a verified antivirus software. ShieldApps’s Shield Antivirus has proven to protect from and remove any up-to-date malware. With 24/7 protection one doesn’t have to worry about being infected any more.   Hacker Skilled programmers using their coding knowledge for bad deeds are better known as hackers. By using scripts or malware they access data of users for fun, financial gain or some other harm. With the help of malicious applications, they develop themselves, hackers may come to one’s personal information or some other details that can harm. The signs of one being hacked are if that person suddenly starts sending phishing emails, loses some data, gets his/her PC locked, gives away personal information… Hacking became almost normal nowadays since anyone with enough patience can learn it. Scripts and guides are all available online. While some just copy them, advanced hackers develop new methods to break into computers. By not opening suspicious attachments, downloading files from unfamiliar websites and keeping personal information offline, one can stay safe from being hacked. In order to be 100 percent sure you are protected it’s always good to have a verified antivirus software. Shield Antivirus is an application providing the highest degree of protection from any malicious software. The detection rate and percentage of success are what makes Shield Antivirus top-notch antivirus solution. Staying safe from hackers have never been so easy!   Computer Virus Just like biological ones, PC viruses also enter one’s system unnoticed with a goal to take control over it. Computer viruses can be complex malicious programs or just pieces of code designed to make a mess. The greatest threat of virus is its capability to copy itself and to spread to other computers. Besides that, virus always attacks vulnerable parts of one’s PC until it takes over the whole system. Viruses get to one’s PC through emails or downloads, but what makes them different is that they are well-hidden in some commonly used application. Once engaged virus starts spreading and multiplying itself. When more than one file is corrupted virus can make changes on one’s PC without being noticed. The best indicator for having a virus is bad or non-existing internet connection, and sometimes firewall and antivirus disabled. One and only option one has when infected with the computer virus is to find it and delete it with licensed antivirus software. Shield Antivirus passed every test with all up-to-date viruses in both terms of discovering them and deleting them for good. Algorithms which provide deep-scan are capable of stopping the virus almost instantly. The real-time alert will pop so the user can pick next step.   Computer Worm One of the nastiest malware one can get to his/her PC is a computer worm. This malicious application self-replicates all until one’s computer is impossible to use. Computer worms are well-known for their enormous system memory usage. They can also spread through a network, causing bad network bandwidth. This goes on all until PC is no longer usable. The main source of computer worms is in file sharing. Any kind of data transmission can be a good way in for a worm. Transfer websites, attachments, file-sharing systems, emails, removable drives can all host a worm infection. By being cautious when using services mention above you have a good chance of staying away from computer worms. But, having an up-to-date software and armed firewall is better. One of the best solutions to your worm situation is Shield Antivirus. Capable of detection and removal of worms no matter where they are hiding Shield Antivirus will keep you safe, while your PC will be up and running.   Trojan Just like the epic Trojan horse, its malware namesake was designed to fool its victims. You can get a Trojan almost anywhere, from your downloads and emails to all kinds of different content. Trojan is designed that way to make you think it is helping you with some task but instead is causing harm or stealing data from your PC. You’ll notice you have a Trojan if your computer underperforms while working on some regular actions. This happens because of Trojan’s CPU over-usage. Anyone can pick up this malware from various websites, downloads, malicious email attachments, even movies, and music. Deleting a Trojan might cause you trouble. Malicious data could be well hidden in any application/file that is affiliated with Trojan. The best way to get rid of it is by using licensed antivirus solution capable of wiping every bit of Trojan from the PC. A good prevention is also important. Stay away from suspicious emails or files with weird extensions. In order to stay on top of every potential threat, one should have Shield Antivirus which will provide information about any Trojan detected, solution to a problem, and of course – its removal.   Ransomware Ransomware is a literal kidnap of your PC remotely. Hackers use codes to lock your computer. If you want to unlock it ransom has to be paid. Getting to this kind of situation is tricky and by all means unpleasant. If you are infected, you’ll know it for sure. You won’t be able to access your PC and you’ll receive instructions how to pay the ransom. Since it’s been created by skilled coders, ransomware can lock your PC for good. The worse thing is that it can come from websites, emails, and networks as well. Keeping everything up-to-date on your PC from the operative system to your protection software is one of the ways to protect yourself. Firewall you are using should always be up, especially when it comes to websites you are not familiar with. By using Shield Antivirus you can be sure any ransomware won’t get, though. The ones potentially hiding will be wiped clean from your PC before they can cause any damage.   Spyware Any type of malware that collects personal information, browsing history, and one’s surfing habits is considered a spyware. Its name comes from a great ability to hide. First of all, collected information is shared with the third parties and then it gets abused. The most common way of picking up a spyware is by downloading files or software from unsafe websites. Spyware is bundled with files and unnoticeable upon download. Another way of being infected is by clicking on suspicious email attachments. The infection indicators are constant error messages, random appearance of icons on the desktop and automatic opening of tabs while browsing. If one wants to prevent being infected it should pay close attention when downloading from file-sharing websites, opening random emails, and of course, keep his/her antivirus up-to-date. Shield Antivirus owns antispyware protection and at the same time is cleaning-efficient. The software keeps you safe and helps you resolve your spyware issues in seconds.   Adware Most of the adware are safe and consist of annoying pop-ups showing on your computer and browser. Adware is a type of free software supported by advertisement. The danger of adware reflects in the possibility of one being tracked through websites he/she visits. In the worst case, his/her personal information could be gathered through adware. Adware is distributed through free software one downloads from the internet. Usual actions performed by adware are advertisement showing on either desktop or browser, changed home page on one’s browser and ads popping up in applications that haven’t had them before. A precaution that one can take in order to keep him/her safe from adware is simply having antivirus and other applications up-to-date and by using the firewall when surfing. If adware is already present in the system the best way of cleaning it is by using Shield Antivirus. Before you delete it, make sure you’ve backed up all the important data from your PC. Shield Antivirus will then scan the PC and liberate it from ads for good.   Browser Hijack Browser hijack is a malware program that makes your PC develop a mind of its own by taking you to websites you have no intention to go to. In the same time, this malware alters your browser setting in order to lower your security level. You’ll know your browser is hijacked simply by not being able to access your home page or a website of your choosing. Instead, you’ll visit some page placed there by the others. This malware usually comes from plugins one installs to the browser. Some browser hijacks can actually improve one’s experience online, but in most cases, it’s just boring. Browser hijacks are easily avoidable. Not using third party applications is the best way to do it. With antivirus that can recognize it, you’ll stay safe as well. Shield Antivirus is a software able to both detect and remove browser hijack. You’ll be able to relax and enjoy your online experience without any concern for your browser being misused. Possible intrusions will be reported and stopped before any harm is done.   Keylogger One of the most malicious software nowadays is the keylogger. An app capable of recording every letter one types while online. Every record is then being sent to keylogger’s creator which can analyze and use this data to retrieve one’s credentials, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, emails, etc. all in order to steal his/her identity. Since this malware is well hidden, it’s almost impossible to know you have one. The only signs one can notice are slower mouse pointer or automatized letters/symbols showing on the screen, different from the ones typed. The source of keylogger can be in file sharing websites or email attachment. To be installed, keylogger usually needs some personal information. That’s why the victims are first exploited by phishing or social engineering. This malware is being installed without user’s knowledge so it stays undetected for quite some time. The way to stay protected is simple. Pay attention to what and where you are downloading. To stay hidden, one can also use the virtual keyboard or alternate keyboard which can be confusing to a keylogger. Also, password management applications may help since they’ll do all the job for the user. No keys pressed, no keys logged. The only verified method of maintaining one’s security is, of course, trusted antivirus. Shield Antivirus has proven itself by tracking and removing keylogger malware, while at the same time providing real-time alerts to this type of danger.   Rootkit One’s PC can be used remotely by hackers if it’s infected by the rootkit. The application may come from different sources. It allows a full access to one’s data, information, etc. The attack comes from the distance, with PC’s owner totally unaware of that. Getting to know you are being used by a rootkit takes a lot of effort. By close monitoring of every invoked process on the PC, one can find out if he/she is being used. This takes a lot of time and an advanced tech-knowledge. Worse of all is that rootkit can be picked almost anywhere. Commercial apps or products that seem harmless are usually the greatest carriers of rootkit malware. The only good thing is that rootkit can’t replicate or spread by itself. The only way to approach rootkit problem is by scanning the PC with up-to-date antivirus software. Any rootkit can be tracked and removed by Shield Antivirus. By keeping the program on, alongside with the firewall, one can be safe from any intrusion.   Scam Thanks to phishing and social engineering cyber-criminals successfully scam people in order to gain money. Every suspicious offer that includes financial gain for the user can be a scam. By offering free stuff, credit cards or lottery criminals get the financial information of their victims. With personal information and bank records, even beginner hackers can steal from common users. Scams use either flattering words or malware. One can become a victim all over the internet. Some scammers will just start communicating with you, while other will try to get to you through malicious software. Both ways have the same intention and can be seen in emails, websites, pop-ups, ads, etc. The best way of protection is common sense. By using only trusted retail stores, not sharing your personal information with everyone, staying cautious online are all very good ways of staying safe. If by any chance a scam includes malware or any kind, then the antivirus is your best friend. Shield Antivirus has proved itself both in a lab and in the real-life situation. Thousands of satisfied clients confirm its performance and usability. By alarming you, scanning through your data and removing any potential threat Shield Antivirus keeps you away from any software-based scams.   Social Engineering Since humans have their own errors, most of the time they are the main culprit of being hacked, used or scammed. Hackers know this and by using this human flaws they get to either one’s personal information or way inside his/her computer. By social engineering, a criminal can get to what he/she wants from the victims. Any communication which occurs with no reason and coming from an unknown source can be considered social engineering. A hacker will send emails containing links, offers, warnings and similar, just to make the victim interact. When this happens, the extraction of personal information can start.  By using modern technologies and malicious software one can get more than enough within few emails. Usually this leads to identity theft or credit card number theft. Since social engineering is not a program it can’t be deleted from PC. The best way to stay safe is by thinking twice when dealing with unverified emails, websites, and services. By not interacting with fishy content one can stay safe 100%. Just in case, it’s always good having an approved antivirus that can protect you from malware you might get thanks to social engineering. One software that has proven both in detecting and removal of malware is ShieldApps’s Shield Antivirus. With its smart detecting system, real-time alerts and high deletion rate Shield Antivirus is one of a kind software.   Spam No-one likes to be bored to death with an advertisement. Spam’s main goal is exactly that! Advertising product/service you don’t want to know about through your email. Just like junk mail and pop-ups spam is usually not dangerous, but it’s tiring. Every unsolicited email you get from companies, family and friends usually are spam. If it’s received on a regular basis, sometimes in tons, you can be sure you are infected. Even though it usually targets email accounts, recently it’s quite often on social media as well. Users are the best spam protection, but this takes a lot of effort. A careful reading of every page, every installation or download can help from receiving spam mail, but most of us never do that. Unsubscribing from these “services” is also a way, but again it takes a lot of precious time. The best protection is having a spam filter or antispam solution in a shape of antivirus. Shield Antivirus is capable of stopping any spam content and as well informing you when you are about to “subscribe” to one. Leave it all behind with simple utilization of Shield Antivirus.   Phishing Phishing is a method used by cyber-criminals who want to come to one’s personal information. By sending fake emails or contacting people directly through scam websites crooks gain personal data. Login credentials, social security number, credit card number, bank account information are just some information interesting to the hackers. By presenting themselves as some trustworthy company/organization, who’s services are being used by one, criminals ask for personal information. This action is usually covered with an excuse; an update of services, account error or similar. By filling in his/her information scammed person is giving away personal information which can lead to identity theft. Since there are people standing behind phishing, it’s impossible to remove them. But, with enough attention and a good antivirus software phishing is avoidable. Make sure not to answer unsolicited emails, never open links, and pay close attention to domains of well-known websites. Shield Antivirus can’t stop you from answering fishy emails, but it will prevent malicious attachments from causing trouble.

Akhil Ahamed 3 years, 11 months ago

There are many online threats some of these are as follows: 1)Trojan horse 2)Virus 3)Worms 4)spwares etc

Yogita Ingle 3 years, 11 months ago

There are a lot of threats when it comes to online threats.

Some of the threats that one can witness online have been discussed briefly as follows

1. The main threat can be of online frauds. The era of online payment gateways has arrived and due to this a lot of payment frauds have also entered the scene.

2. Data security is another inline threat under which your personal data is under the threat of usage by third parties.

3. Many viruses and bugs have popped up with the rise in technology which again pose as a big problem when it comes to online threats.

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