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Define management .explain the features of …



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Define management .explain the features of management
  • 1 answers

Yogita Ingle 4 years, 11 months ago

Management can be defined as, the process of getting things done with the aim of achieving organizational goals effectively and efficiently.
Characteristics of Management: Following are the main characteristics of management:
Management is a Goal Oriented Process:  No goal in the hand-no need of management. In other words, we need management when we have some goals to be achieved. A manager on the basis of his knowledge and experience tries to achieve the goals which are already decided. Hence, nothing is wrong to say that management is a goal oriented process.
Management is all Pervasive:  Anything minus management is nothing or zero. Here, by anything we mean all types of activities-business and non-business. If we deduct management out of these activities, the result will be failure or zero. It means management is necessary to conduct any type of activities. Hence, it is pervasive or universal.
Management is a Group Activity: It means that it is not a single person who con-summates all the activities of an organisation but it is always a group of persons (Managers).Hence, management is a group effort.
Management is an Intangible Force: Management is that power which cannot be seen. It can only be felt. If any organisation is heading toward higher levels of achievement, it signifies an existence of good management and vice-versa.
Management is based on some principles which are dynamic:  Principles of management are changing according to the changing business environment. For the reason that environment is dynamic, many old principles have been replaced by new ones.

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